Better healthcare for eQueenslanders is right around the corner

Day 1,229, 06:06 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Dear citizens

As many in the Senate know, including non Senators, I am passionate about our nation's hospitals. I fought for a hospital for eQueensland on the floor of the Senate during the latest funding appropriation round to secure our border regions. Understandably, there is only so much money to go around and the Government had to prioritise.

Therefore, I have privately donated the means for a Q2 hospital in eQueensland for the betterment of our citizens. I am pleased to report that a reputable, quality Q2 hospital provider has been contracted and the hospital is in the process of construction.

I have informed the Senate that I have requested the Government appropriately place the hospital once it is constructed.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: k0llht0s, citizen of Central Greece in eGreece, has generously contributed gold as a welcomed gesture to the cause of eQueensland. On behalf of eQueensland, thank you Sir for your friendship and support of our citizens. All of this wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of other eAustralians who donated RMs and support to strengthen eQueensland and they have my thanks.

Here's to a healthy and strong eSunshine State!

TJ Norton
Senator for eQueensland