BEP Party Presidential Elections Debate - Dodgy Dude vs Goku Jones

Day 570, 15:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Ok hai guise 😃
Today we have the PP election debate between Dodgy Dude and Goku Jones with me, AltmerVampire, chairing the debate. I will be in bold writing 😃 As well the candidates names

Alrighty. DD, what are your goals for the party?

Dodgy Dude
To achieve stability in the Top 5, and to raise our public image. In the long term, consult my manifesto. (Because i cba writing them 😒)

And how do you intend to achieve this?

Well, i intend to incread the positions of authority withing the party, and spread the power. In doing so, i hope to increase the effiency of each department, and, for the top 5 goal, paticualarluy Recruitment Office, and the Public Liaison Office.

What about you Goku? Your goals?

My first goal is to increase the respect and visibility of the party on the eUK forums. At the moment we are treated with contempt by the older members. I will do this by opening an official party forum on the eUK forums, right next to our parliament.
My second goal is to double the emmbership of the party.
I have done this before when I increased the membership of RFA from ~80 to ~160. I have also done similar in North Korea where around ~60 members of the ruling party are my recruits.
My third goal is related to the second, to move the party into fourth place in the eUK. This will end the threat LSD and FB pose to our congress rights.
My final goal is to give us a STRONG wiki presence, creating a detailed set of articles for the party.
I would like to guarantee now, that my four main goals are absolute promises. I can and will achieve them. If the members of BEP follow my leadership, I will obtain those 4 goals for us

DD, why do you feel that you deserve the party leadership?

I have been a long term member of the BEP, and i have been the most active poster on the forums. I have multiple ideas for the BEP, and i have it's interests at my heart. Goku however, seeks only to make us fall.

done in your reply DD?

For the moment, yes.

When I first joined eRepublik, my very first articles and posts called for the establishment of a
British Empire Party. This has always been a long term dream for me. However I chose to join RFA to gain government experience which any PP really need IMO.

Yes. That brings me onto another point. We are not an imperialistic party.

I was successful and gain many government positions, including 2 Congress, 2 party president and a Ministerial position.

You have assumed that from the name, proving that you know nothing about us.


Can I ask a question? What do you feel that party should stand for?

The BEP? OR generally?

The BEP ofc

An improvement, or at least the maintenence, of the current government. Improving the lifestyle of the people, although, obviously, this is limited in a game. And the protection of Great Britain.

All parties stand for that. Is there anything the BEP is unique in?

Tbh, not particularly. I would imagine there are small things no one else believes in, but i am not educated enough about the other parties to know that

You say that the "British Empire Party" is not imperialist, but you cannot say what it is instead. I belive that the party should be fully imperialist, concentrating on military and foreign affairs matters.
Focusing on making the eUK stronger and bigger.

We are not imperialistic. However, if we were attacked, we would fight tooth and nail, and possibly retaliate. Summit like that

Why name the party after our glorious former empire if you do not aspire to reignite it? I do, very much so. Dodgy Dude, you however do not seem to have any aspirations.

Well, the name is something i believe i mentioned in my manifesto. The name was made by JayTune95.
To make UK succesful, and respected. IN short, we aren't bullies, but if someone hits us or our friends, we're gonna use the strength built up by BEP dumbells, and break their nose.

I think all parties can agree to that!

But it isn’t the party that runs the country in game. It's the president. We would change that. In a manner, anyway.


You would ask the admins to change the game?

No, we would do it un-officially, as it were. Possibly this would be done through a contract, I’m not sure. But we would make sure the President, excluding Ministries and the like, is not the sole decision maker. The decision would be made by the BEP as a whole. OR, to be fair, it's more experienced members.

So... you would have a cabinet of ministers to make decisions? And have congressmen vote on everything?

No. Of course, we can't affect decisions made by congress. But all decisions, outside of game mechanics, would be done via the above system. Or, we can't directly affect congress anywho.

Surely the UK government votes on most matters? How would your way change that?

Define government.

Congress, war council, HoL

Yes. But we would add our party into the equation. Basically, all matters that are decided mostly by the president, would be made by the BEP. I'm not explaining this very well.

I would not make the BEP into a dictatorship, I would work with the other major parties.

Do you see my meaning?

Yes DD a dictatorship., 1933 style.

Dictatorships aren't all bad. The official definition of Dictatorship is one person working in the interest of everyone. Besides, where did I say we would dictate alone ?

Well this is where we will differ, I am very much pro democracy. When you said that BEP will decide all matters.

Doesn't answer my question. Dictate ALONE. And, if we worked with other parties, I believe it would be a Polity. Although, possibly not with the current parties.

Working with other parties, and BEP deciding everything are mutually exclusive things. you cant have both

I didn't say either. Possibly, We would keep in contact with the Top 5 PP's. Or rather, definitely. I never said, the BEP would decide alone.

You did, but that is for the readers to decide

You picked an imaginary hole their. Reality usually helps in debates.

Basically, all matters that are decided mostly by the president, would be made by the BEP. Your quote

Indeed. Your point being ?

Final question, DD, what if members disagree?

My point being that that system was used in 1933 in a famous government


It would require a 66% vote in favour to go through. If between 50-65, the president would have casting vote. If under 50, obviously, it's declined. Possibly, you are reading it wrong, Goku.

My reply to the final question is that any disagreements will be handled by having the BEP members vote, and the majority winning. Democracy is a precious flower which we must preserve!

Ok then, that wraps this up. Any final words for the candidates?

Goku seeks only to destroy the BEP. He may indeed be a better candidate than myself, in fact, he most probably is. But his heart is against us. He seeks to destroy us, from the inside.

Vote Goku Jones for party president, and I will do to your party what I did to RFA and North Korea. I have the skills and experience to lead us to a glorious new tomorrow.

And there you have it 🙂
A properly serious article from moi 😃
Some of you may notice I'm not even in the BEP but I called the chair first 😃
And being neutral helped too 😛

The manifestos of both candidates can be found here:
Goku Jones
Dodgy Dude