Battle Overview

Day 3,605, 11:53 Published in Latvia United Kingdom by Daddy Underpants

Well, it seems the real war has finally begun. Not a moment too soon, too, as a few days longer and some other bastard acting as my successor could have taken the full credit for starting this. I was worried again when this attack didn't come yesterday, but luckily USA and co were able to talk Latvia out of getting cold feet again. In this article, we will overview the first engagements in the war, and that was not the actual attacks on UK as sadly La(me)tvia had to wait for backup. No, the first engagements in the war were in Banter Battle and spoiler alert: we kicked ass so far. 3 out of 5 articles in Latvian media are mocking Latvia (hopefully we'll increase this to 4 soon enough *wink wink😉, and the reaction is one that we could expect: butthurt. Latvians tried to retaliate by releasing an article in our own UK media, but alas, they got the wrong stereotypes, wrote the article in Latvian and in general were incapable of making decent jokes, meaning not a single UK person could be bothered by it. Get your shit together, Fake Lithuania.

Step 1. Start Banter Battle against Roachford.
Step 2. get fukn rekt.
Step 3. start passive virtue signalling to save face.

A noble Latvian threatening to kill people over comments on the internet. Banter = won.

Tough talk from a Latvian before he proceeded to run away and ask several other countries for help. Very impressive.

Latvians did not expect to receive troll comments on their failed troll attempt, and thus retreated to their own country media.

Latvians expressing their disapproval over Brexit: now they will have to clean toilets in Germany instead.

In Latvia, being a camgirl is a position of status, wealth and power. Also, "we totes, like, have jokes and stuff, but you wouldn't, like, understand it since it's for special people only!!1!"

The Latvian short bus horse carriage to school hit a WWII landmine, so this guy got to stay at home and make post on eRepublic all day.

This level of stupid is almost not funny anymore... almost.

A Latvian of average intelligence addresses his fellow Latvians.

eUK citizens feel bad for Latvians and try to give them advice on how to do better in the future. We are truly the utmost noble of cultures.

In a very rare occurrence, even Wayne felt pity for someone and tried to explain to Latvians to not get too butthurt. Yes, their banter is that bad.

Remember lads, ownership of land comes and goes, but glory from banter echoes for eternity.