Battle Formula

Day 2,409, 05:33 Published in India Argentina by Sher Singh
Another training/fighting day,isn't it ?

Irritated to see battles lost which we so close to 49.9% dominance?
Don't know what to do ?
Confused whether to fight or not when dominance is less than 30% ?
Don't know what to do ?
Irritated when a battle is lost when dominance reached upto 1770 ?
Don't know what to do?
Well I devised my own working formula for such things.

X = your side's battle hero damage
Y = opponent side's battle hero damage

Add X+Y .

B = Your dominance percentage
A = Enemy's dominance percentage

Subtract A-B

Your damage requirement = ( A- B )*(X+Y)/(100*D😎

If you do that much minimum damage ,you could get a 50% dominance for your side.

Easy,ain't it? You get a rough outline of how much damage you need for 50% dominance . Combine it with your total damage capability and then decide whether to go for that battle or not.

What to do when dominance is 1700+ and other side is hitting hard?

Well well,enemy must be capable of doing millions of damage in such moments whereas you are left with few EB but you can fetch the battle with dirty little tricks of yours.
As you would know after a certain time period dominance score is added .It may be possible that more you hit for dominance, enemy hits harder. What you should do is watch the clock and note when score will be added. Calculate your damage requirement and let things stabilise. Right when 5-10 seconds are left ,HIT . Tilt! Your side gets the score and they'll never know .

On other hand,if enemy side was hitting very hard,then you would save some of EB by knowing that you can't get all dominance because you waited for that last moment and know the damage requirement then .

Easy eh ?

You could do same with battle heroes but that is another part....not here...

Disclaimer : Everything is based on observation and approximation. Like a 11.4M damage was read as 11 M (a round off figure) . Only the first 5 damage hitters from both side were taken into account and then the formula was checked whether it gets right dominance or not. It may fail sometimes on account of mass number of soldiers or in epic wars.

Jai Hind !!