Australia and CoT must say NO to Indonesian Demands

Day 1,881, 03:03 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good evening eAustralia,

If there is anything you can be 100% sure in the story of eAustralia, is that whenever we look like getting out of the mess, the BIG BULLY that's eIndonesia comes along and ruins things.

Recently, eAustralia and eChile had reached terms on a treaty that would see (at this stage) the Northern Territory and Western Australia returned to eAustralia.

Part of this Treaty included a point where by January 10th, eAustralia was to sign an MPP with eChile. Failure to do so by eAustralia would see this nation lose a $200,000 bond and be a breach of the treaty.

Then, the greediest nation in the history of eRepublik comes along and wants a piece of the action.

eIndonesia demands eAustralia hands over Western Australia for NOTHING. ZILCH. NADA. ZERO.

Furthermore, they demand we do NOT do a MPP with eChile which would be a breach of our treaty.

Things get testy. eAustralia proposes a MPP with eChile and in return, eIndonesia proposes an NE (to attack) on eAustralia.

The MPP succeeds (despite a few Chileans voting No) and the NE is voted down after diplomats on behalf of eAustralia, eChile and the TWO Alliance get involved.

This stand-off once again proved that eIndonesia never thinks of anyone else but itself. It never consulted it's CoT allies and never put a fair deal on the table. It saw and it wanted to take.

This is not new. eIndonesia has a track record of screwing over it's own allies for its own glory.

Two years ago, before eIndonesia had ever been beaten on home soil, its ally in Serbia was charging through Asia, on a direct course to get to and take over eAustralia (and border with NZ). All that was left to do was for it to allow Serbia to pass through its land.

However the ego of eIndonesia got in the way and stopped Serbia from going any further. A slap in the face for an ally.

Instead of a 'rent deal' that could blow-up and hurt all parties involved, the fairest deal is a land-swap.

Western Australia for Paupa. This means both countries make money and eAustralia gets more congress seats.

You would think with eAustralia about to become an ally of eIndonesia (moving to a pro-CoT stack) that eIndonesia would agree to this fair swap and help build friendship between to the two countries... alas it's not so.

Once again, eIndonesia has thought only of itself and not the greater good and refused to give up any of it's home soil... even is a fair swap.

Why, oh why, does ANY NATION want to ally with eIndonesia when it refuses to play the team game?

It's proven to end it heartache time and time again, so why buddy up with eRepublik's BIG BULLY?

This situation brings a golden chance for eChile to demonstrate its friendship to eAustralia and willingness to uphold the treaty.

The charter of the CoT Alliance is overseen by the Alliance Court. Any member state can bring charges against another before the court.

I therefore call upon eChile to brings these following charges against eIndonesia before the Alliance Court.

1. A member state needs the approval of the MC in order to initiate a long term military operation by its own will. In this case it is recommended that the MC coordinates his decision to approve the operation with the Supreme Command and/or his Assistants.

eIndonesia made threats against eAustralia and attempted to start military action against it, without first consulting CoT. This reckless action would have ruined a treaty and MPP stacks.

2. A member state needs to inform the Supreme Command for all contracts it intends to sign in its relations towards non-member states. In case these non-member states have common border with a member state the Supreme Command should act as a mediator between these member states involved to avoid potential conflicts.

eIndonesia's demand of Western Australia within a 24 hour period was not known at the time to CoT Supreme Command.

Supreme Command has let it be know they'd like top avoid conflict and eIndonesia's threats against eAustralia were headed right for a major conflict involving CoT nations.

Furthermore, the origins of CoT was for it to be anti-imperial. eIndonesia's history and recent actions have been nothing but imperial.

It's time for eChile (whose treaty would have been impacted) to approach the Alliance Court and demand action against eIndonesia.

It's time for the citizens of eAustralia to send a LOUD and CLEAR message to our leader, Xavier Griffith... ask for a fair land-swap and if eIndonesia says no, walk from the the negotiating table.

For five long years our nations have tried to get along, five long years. NEVER ONCE has eIndonesia attempted to put a fair land-swap deal on the table. Now is the time to tell them, if you want to become friends, THEY HAVE TO PROVE IT.

A rent deal of releasing the state for congress elections only is going to backfire. Not a matter of if, but when. It just won't work.

We MUST secure a land-swap to build our friendship. Without, we as a nation will always be looking over our shoulder for when that eIndonesian back-stab moment comes.

For those CoT Alliance members reading, here's the most important moment in the history of your alliance. Can eIndonesia prove itself to be a team player and do a land-swap, or will it once again bring out it's imperialistic ways - everything which your alliance is not about?

I'm Mr Crumpets
Green and Gold Party Founder and Party President