Another Congress Article

Day 1,830, 11:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lord Lewis Cromwell

Hi everyone

It's that time of the month again, when everyone's getting excited and garnering the support they can for our nation's congress elections!

This article is not going to be filled with "Vote for me, I'm epic" nor "I promise an end to world hunger if I hold a seat on congress", but rather this article is a reminder of the responsibilities that congress hold.

Citizenship acceptances
Recently a working system for our nation's immigration concerns was overturned after heavy personal, a little misguided and poorly implemented campaigning from parties calling themselves the opposition. With the stepping down of the only willing and able servant from the position, congress voted in a new, old way of vetting players from foreign nation's teams who wish to join our's.

In November 2012 a huge majority of congress accepted that a method to check and agree on accepting citizenship requests from existing players who have played on teams rival to our national team is needed, that individual congressmen are not qualified to use their own, solitary judgment to accept citizenship requests from potentially malicious players, and that congressmen who do not adhere to agreed procedures should be punished in some form. These are points raised by every side of the debate, not 2 years ago, not in beta, but in November 2012.

The new system, voted in by a huge majority, uses congressmen to check applications from players who play for other teams before wanting to join ours, before congressmen tell congressmen that that player has no malicious intentions. I have not seen a single mention in any of this month's potential congress members individual manifestos:

"I am Lord Lewis Cromwell, and I am knowledgeable in the field of vetting citizenships for players who previously played on other nations' teams, and will work only for eUK's good regardless of personal opinion on personalities."

With this said, I do not agree that an immigration committee is the best our nation can do. It is an inefficient system, with contradictory arguments used to support it. It is not a good option for the security of our national team. Only 3 dared vote against this popularly debated issue and proposal:
Lord Lewis Cromwell
Neil Lewis

Anyone else on congress who disagreed did not care enough to cast a vote, either in-game through mail, forum PM, nor on the vote itself. Maybe they cared but had a chip on their shoulder stopping them from functioning as a congressman, which suggests they don't deserve a vote.

If we want a successful system to determine whether a potential addition to eUK's citizenship base from existing, external players is a threat in some form, it will be through (and I will continue to petition for) a Minister and Ministry of Immigration, made up of knowledgeable, reliable and intelligent people, regardless of party or congress positions, who can work together to give a public sanction on citizenship applications which will make it easier for congressmen to check, agree/disagree and accept applications.

By this method of sanctioning, we know that checks are being done for the national good, people willing and able to make effective judgments are being utilised to full effect and congressmen/PP's are left with choices to make, satisfying the responsibilities of their positions. With any unsanctioned acceptances being judged by PP's who can bump that congressman down or off the next month's list due to pressure or disagreement with policy being the only true, realistic argument used in any debating so far, this method will work.

Natural Enemies
This past couple of months has seen quite a few unnecessary, unplanned and unwarranted votes for our congress to aimlessly click on. A few times we have had to vote down Ireland as our Natural Enemy (NE) and most recently had to vote down Russia as our NE.

Why is this? "Automatic Retaliation" initiated by people too lazy to do 10 minutes of research yet are still, unaccountably members of our national congress. Each time these NE proposals were launched it was exactly because some little troll in one of our neighbouring countries, without public desire or sanction in mind, proposed us as NE through their own personal wishes.

By automatically counter-proposing NE against this one troll in our neighbouring country, we make that fool the most powerful person in our nation, who has decided that we should be eligible for war at his whim.

"I am Lord Lewis Cromwell, and I will think before I propose. I will not try to kick up a fuss, nor be controlled by situations, instead I will control the situation and make necessary judgments for eUK's good."

With the most recent "automatic counter-proposal", Russia appeared to genuinely be declaring war on us - as part of my voluntary service in our ministry of Foreign Affairs I was able to help inform our congress on the situation and we got out of what could have been a very embarassing situation (as well as losing a good MPP) down to an "automatic counter-proposal" which due to an incompetent foreign minister and a moment's confusion could've led to a war we'd be unlikely to win.

There's been a lot of buzz about "opposition" parties lately, obviously their heavy campaigning and vitriolic aggression is temporarily paying off, but ESO is still and will always be here with me in it.
We don't campaign purely because other people are stomping their feet, that would imply that they are controlling us.
We don't throw our ideals into everyone's faces because we respect people.
We won't offer free things to people if they join us, because we give freely all the time.
I am just one, we have many more like me.

Everything else
I hope that I have continued to show my worth to our national team this month. November is a terribly personal and difficult month for me, with marked occasions and the like that I'd rather forget about which has only mildly affected my presence in eRepublik. December will be glorious!

I'm proud to represent ESO, the only party that will let me truly have these opinions, which my brothers, sisters and friends in the party might not always agree with but sure as hell do respect. I write this more to display how deserving they are of your support than I am.

Be cool, stay cool


PS: ESO's unified manifesto is here!