And now for a brief message...

Day 974, 11:15 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

With our economy still struggling, and with it our citizens, and many of our more experienced leaders on holiday and still unavailable to carry on the work of our nation, I am announcing my intention to run for a second term in Congress. This is not something I have undertaken lightly. I had no intention of running for the first term, but was urged to do so by members of my party. Having agreed to do so, I was honored to serve and have done my best to be actively involved in the business of Congress, as well as taking on work for the administration, despite significant RL responsibilities. At this point, I feel it would not serve my party or my country to refuse to continue. I feel I have been able to build good relationships across party lines, have contributed to civilized dialog where I did not agree, and have fought for what I felt was right and in the best interests of our citizens. I do not claim any particular expertise in economics or foreign relations, but I will listen intelligently and reasonably to those who know more than I do, and will make informed decisions based on what I learn. If re-elected, I will continue to contribute what I can to the building of a stronger and more unified eBelgium. I respectfully ask for your support.