An update on the status of the eMilitary

Day 1,232, 17:16 Published in USA USA by NXNW
Gameday 1232


CJCS Bradley Reala, with the full support of the eMilitary leadership, has taken the eMil in a new and exciting direction. For the last 18+ months the political elites have become not only dysfunctional but also hostile to anyone who refuses to swear fealty to their brand of “government.” This dysfunction and hostility culminated in their effort to transition the constitution from a guidebook for the eUSA government into a mechanism that would allow a small group of political insiders to control all aspects of the government.

On the eve of invasion this group of insiders made the following threat: Yield control to us or we will freeze your funding.

The eMil leadership predicted this invasion. We urged better communication between alliances before launching Operation World in Flames. We urged the political leadership to avoid opening another front by declaring Spain as the NE (we could have thrown our weight behind Brazil and/or France via MPP or better yet focused on the defense of Croatia & Romania). We were told to STFU and do as we are told. We followed their “plan” with predictable results--defeat on all fronts. Now we are told that the same people behind our current poor strategic situation will control ALL aspects of the eUSA.

We reject this power play.

We reject the trolling, immaturity and incompetence that are the hallmarks of the political elite.

We reject participation in the political backstabbing they call the game.


We WILL defend the eUSA to the best of our ability, funding or no funding.

We WILL play the game--the real game of erep, not the political infighting.

The TC WILL continue to be the premier organization for retaining new eUSA players.

The NG, MI & Army WILL continue to be the backbone of our defense.

The AB & USMC WILL continue to be our premier strike units.


EDIT:This link shows the mindset of the political leaders who have precipitated this confrontation