An Idea: How to make Income Tax work

Day 1,205, 14:17 Published in Canada Canada by Dean22
Two years ago Prime Minister Jacobi needed help to fix the economy. I told him it was simple. Control the flow of currency and kill the VAT tax. Profit off of currency sales. So I sold the idea to congress and congress liked it.

With Alexander Rearden no longer able to influence people towards VAT tax and his poor economics out of the way, Jacobi became one of the most successful economic Prime Ministers ever.

In his first term eCanada had 1505 active eCanadians.
The tax income with low import taxes, no vat tax and a 15% income tax for his first month was:

$257,145 CAD (Tax revenue and assuming from my memory that I remember we had at least $70,000 CAD left in the treasury at the end of the month)

The Average eCanadian wage back then for our 1505 citizens was $5.

The amount of money Jacobi issued is:


The amount of gold that Jacobi ended up with after his first month in office due to income tax was:

8485.78 Gold

This was particularily due to Canada's high dollar and most of this CAD save $70,000 was turned into gold due to Moffington selling at the correct times.

You can find this information in admin from pages 77-83.

Let's take a look at today? Today, we have working managers who don't pay Income tax or VAT tax. How many active citizens does eCanada have today?

According to some erep tool sites and accessing eCanada's economic page coding we can find that eCanada has 2100 active eCanadians that work (very surprising).

The average wage in eCanada is currently $14.

Income tax is low, VAT tax is high and import taxes are almost non-existant.

eCanada's issued money for this last month was $0.

eCanada's income from it's citizens this month was $882,000 CAD.

eCanada ended up with approximately $240,000 CAD this last month valued at 2400 gold in market liquidity.

This means eCanada ended up with approximately 27.2% of the money made in eCanada by it's citizens. However, that's impossible with VAT since it matters on purchases.

How much money did the CAF use for the month? Around $50,000 CAD. Now we shall assume 20% of this went to the same treasury since its tax dollars being taxed (how smart am I right? 😆

So approximately $10,000 CAD was "made up" and wasn't really tax revenue it was the government paying it's own taxes. Where does that leave us?

That leaves us with approximately 5% of the eCanada revenue came from businesses and import taxes.

Our import's are valued at approximately 600g as of 30 days ago. This means approximately 120g or $12,000 CAD was from import taxes.

This ultimately means that $32,100 CAD or 13% of the tax revenue came from businesses. eCanadian businesses this last month produced approximately $952,000 CAD worth of goods.

That means with the current VAT tax approximately 3% of corporate taxes went towards eCanada this last month.

Now, what if a 20% income tax had been applied to this last month what would it be like then with no VAT tax with a higher import tax of 50% on most sectors?

1) CAF wouldn't pay taxes first of all so thats out the window

Firstly, eCanada would earn $176,400 CAD from it's citizens.

Secondly, that means that 300g or $30,000 CAD comes from import taxes.

Thirdly, less than 3% of the money companies earned went to tax revenue last month. With an Income Tax it could potentially go up to $190,400

That means approximately $396,800 CAD almost double the tax income that Addy Lawrence's low import (because the free market works in a game where everyone has the same product amirite lawls) and high vat tax system.


Jacobi's government 2 years ago made 8485.78 Gold with income taxes
Addy Lawrence VAT taxes last month made 2300 Gold (if you could even sell it in this volatile currency market) with low import tax and high VAT tax

eCanadians can afford half as much as they could a few months ago.

But wait Dean22 where's the idea?

The whole point of this article is this:

No it's not a bashing thread or mathematic proof that Addy Lawrence is once against bad and wrong at economics.

It's to propose something for people to talk about.

Income Tax Refund

Right now, (until two months from now which, is the proposed dead line for admins to fix monetary market so companies can't cheat income taxes) any company in eRepublik can avoid income tax.

My proposal is to do an Income Tax Refund. If a citizen or company records his income taxes via screenshots he can be entitled up to 50% of it back.

Even if we lost out on 50% of corporate income tax we would still be up by 50% in tax revenue.

This gives incentive for not only citizens but also companies that can be rewarded for paying income tax. If I had the choice between paying 20% corporate tax and getting 10% back later or just cheating eCanada out of it's taxes I would gladly do the tax refund.

This is something that would be fun for citizens as they can see a pay cheque for their hard work in eCanada rather than the only way to see your hard paid dollars to the government is by joining the army as Jacobi said in his article.

Think once, think twice and now think thrice before you comment.

Even if no one likes this idea you won't be able to cheat income tax in two months anyways. Why not move towards Income Tax, with better import taxes to protect the economy of eCanada and make MORE CAD rather than punishing the citizens of eCanada with ridiculous consumer prices that cause inflation of products to go up. You can avoid VAT tax but soon you won't be able to avoid Income Tax at all.

Let's change our taxes to show the eWorld that we are not stupid and that we don't believe in a ridiculous free market system that will NEVER WORK in a game where every country has the same products.