
Day 1,801, 12:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Arcanic Mindje

Since I cant get access to the MOFA Paper guess I gotta do a temp here 😣

Current Ambassador team as of October 2/2 - 2012:
Frankie M -> Canada & USA
Mc Claren -> Austria, Switzerland & United Kingdom
Gwom -> Germany
Tonie112/Notie112 -> Belgium
Arcanic Mindje -> Japan & Argentina
ElGorro -> Ireland & Norway
WhiteTemplar -> FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia & Bosnia
Joshua Morriseau -> Bolivia, Australia, Paraguay & South Africa
Almightiness -> Sweden
broersje -> Russia & Romania

Citizens of Netherlands,
Due to the shortage of Ambassadors to run our embassies the Government/Ministry of Foreign Affairs team is looking for active citizens to take up positions to keep our contact throughout the eRepublik world Alive.
If you are intrested please PM Arcanic Mindje for questions etc.
If you're ready to do some work pease click here and complete the form :') - HERE
As soon the form has been submitted and recieved we will contact you to start Negogiations.

If you are not RL Dutch, we would heavily recommend signing up to become Ambassador :'D

Arcanic Mindje
Director of Embassies - Under the MOFA Team:
WhiteTemplar - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Morriseau &Mc Claren - State Secretary

Free Countries:
Albania - Estonia - Latvia - Portugal
Belarus - Finland - Lithuania - Taiwan
Brazil - France - Malaysia - Moldova
Bulgaria - Greece - Mexico - Saudi Arabia
Chile - Hungary - New Zealand - Slovakia
China - India - North Korea - South Korea
Colombia - Indonesia - Pakistan - Spain
Cyprus - Iran - Peru - Thailand - UAE
Czech Republic - Israel - Phillipines - Turkey
Egypt - Italy - Poland - Ukraine - Uruguay - Venezuela


If Form link fail to work please highlight and copy: