AltmerVampire, RFA, Congress, NORTHERN IRELAND

Day 577, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Hello 🙂

I am AltmerVampire and I am writing this article to voice my intentions on running for Congress in our great Northern Ireland

Some of you may recognize me from the forums (where I am incredibly active and play a rather large part in the government, military and foreign affairs matters) or maybe you will even have received a personal message from me, when I tried to get to know the people of the Northern Ireland. From the many responses to these PMs that I originally sent out I fell in love even more so with this region and became determined to improve it to the best of my ability.

In my work in the military I have been heavily involved. Rising through the ranks incredibly quickly, showing my dedication, hard work, leadership skills and friendly personality I feel that I could easily transfer this experience to congress, and in turn, improving the region and helping you, its citizens.

I will continue PMing all citizens that I see online regardless of whether I am elected, solely because I want to make this game as enjoyable as possible for each and every person. I will also do my utmost to help out new citizens to our region and help them stay active to in turn, fall in love with this region and its people. I will also, in my PMs encourage citizens to join the forums and IRC, while also encouraging them to ask me any question about what I am doing to help them. Every one of you matters to me and I am here to help

In politics I have an Under Minister Of Foreign Affairs, meaning I am one of this country's most public diplomats. My job is to improve relations with foreign countries, bringing me a wealth of contacts both in the eUK and in the eWorld. This would be incredibly useful as it means I have much more influence than your normal, average congress candidate has. I am also an incredibly active member of the Radical Freethinkers Alliance, contributing in every discussion. In conclusion to this particular paragraph (😛) I am incredibly active on the forums and in-game meaning my voice will be heard in Congress, unlike a few other of the Northern Ireland’s candidates, I have the means to help and I have the drive to help.

I like to view myself as a nice kinda guy so please if you have any questions, just ask. If elected as your congressman I would listen to every question you may have and I feel it is incredibly important to connect with my constituents so I will devote some of my time to PM all citizens that I can actually see 😃

I am standing for the Radical Freethinkers Alliance, thus I am in the centre of the political scale. I feel that everyone should have their own views and express them. Which is also why I wish for the congress people of the Northern Ireland to be diverse. For example there should not be two of a single party, rather, one from each party. I feel this will make the Northern Ireland more diverse and make it work much better.

As this has become quite long and I am sure you are bored stiff reading it I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, hope my military and political achievements impress you (😛) and that you will find me a good candidate. In the end, vote for candidate, not party.
Finally, may I encourage you to all sign up to the eUK forums and in particular, the Royal Navy 😃

Thank you 🙂