Alex Lawrence for London! [UKRP Jan Reprint]

Day 795, 15:35 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alex Lawrence
To the United Kingdom and the People of London,

It has been an interesting and great first time for me in Parliament, and I intend on holding my seat, but in the name of my new region, London.

To the people of the South West who I have represented for the past term; I am not leaving you so much as I am defending London. London has become the prime target for our numerous enemies who you have seen knock at our gates many times over the past weeks. I would like to remind you all that official government orders are for you to move to London in order to create a fortress region that would intimidate on the scale of HelloKitty or Florida.

Major items of accomplishment this past term

--I have served on the Ministry of Economics select special committee and have given my advice on our overall economic system and conducted in depth studies on the British economy.

--I have participated actively in the House of Commons forum and given my opinion on what direction our country should take in foreign and economic affairs.

--I have directed many refugees from Germany on how to integrate themselves into our way of life, as well as communicated with foreign troops on where to fight (because it's so had to find our orders right? 😛)

--I have guided and "raised" many new British babies, some of whom are my own bastard children and others who I have "adopted". *they're very cute*

What I plan to push next term

--Taxes are too high in my opinion. While taxes are necessary to fund military operations, we have amassed a very large stockpile of gold as a result of the current tax system and no longer really need such high taxes. Continued high taxes will promote more companies to shut their doors and move to other countries, reducing our overall, long term economic strength. Combined with our large MPP list, we don't need to have a treasury strong enough to fight off EDEN, since we have almost all of PHOENIX backing us up already.

--I will be an advocate for a more aggressive response on the Spanish and Polish fronts. Putting it plainly and simply, with France or Germany getting even one region back along the Channel or nearby we will gain initiative blockers which could push back the Poles and Spaniards all the way back to their original borders, relieving our forces and allowing us to focus on the Scandinavian and Atlantic fronts, whose powers would probably back down once we aren't surrounded anymore.

--While my own attempts at getting more citizens was a lukewarm success at best, I will continue to support any and all efforts for a British baby boom. It's clear that the powers that have large populations are more powerful in this game, and for Britain to become more powerful we need more babies. Invite your friends and neighbors to fight the good fight!

Opinion on Current Situation-Wrap Up

It's clear that our wall of MPPs deter any serious attempts to take any of our regions, and that EDEN is searching for an opening in PHOENIX's defenses. Hellokitty proved too tough for them, so they think they can pick on the UK because we're surrounded completely by enemies (except for Ireland, they're cool). We need to keep a strong tax structure to ensure funding for MPPs and our own military, and continue to build our defenses in London and create more babies. Dish has proved to be a very capable leader and has been a very communication friendly PM with the rest of Parliament, and it would be a great privilege to continue serving alongside him and.

A vote for me is a vote for continued economic progress and a safer United Kingdom. I promise to continue to remain active and help our economy and foreign policy along the right path.

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