
Day 2,480, 04:04 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Quite the to-do in the comments from my last address. It seems there was some discussion prior to Canada's entry into the fray that needs to be mentioned. I have taken the opportunity to contact Joshua Morriseau of Norway and Infowar of Australia. They both confirm that originally the UK agreed to a TW with Norway. Canada came into discussion with others involved when the AS by Lithuania occurred and the UK continued into Norway. The original agreement was to give back the regions after the tournament. Also there was reason to be concerned for Australia's colony.

Was this good enough reason for Asgard and LETO countries to react? According to our friends that comment to my article the answer is a firm NO. Regardless, Canada did not act unilaterally. Asgard had their NE's. Israel proposed and did indeed make an AS of their own. LETO set some ensuing battles as priority. Right or wrong this CP reacted to requests for help from Canadian allies. I stand by that decision. I will apologize for not mentioning the TW that was agreed to in the beginning and for stating the involvement of Chile as that was just supposition by myself and others.

As to the word surrender I looked up the definition.
1. cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.

I will go so far as to accept the first part of the definition. Canada will wait until the NE of Sweden is finished to see if the UK will reciprocate the No NE Proposal Canada has passed. If the No NE is proposed by the UK and is accepted by their Congress I will be pleased to Propose Peace.* We shall "cease resistance to an enemy or opponent".

*The NE explanation is somewhat confusing. After further examination and deduction, the No NE is not the option for the UK. It is not available to them until 7 days after the Swedish NE and would then remove that NE.


When the proposal is accepte😛
You cannot sign a peace treaty with your Natural Enemy: both countries must first unset Natural Enemy before they can sign a peace treaty.
After 7 days have passed, the current Natural Enemy can be changed to another country or unset.

So this has happened.


Will I be able to unset my Natural Enemy?
If the natural enemy is unset between country A and country B, the war between them remains active.

But what remains to be seen is what admin means by "the war ... remains active". If auto-attack continues it may be necessary to Propose Peace.

Situation Update

> Nigeria did an AS on Australia which finished their wipe.
> Germany has taken the opportunity to claim a few Nordic regions.
> UK and Norway are still at it.
> UK has NE'ed Sweden.
> Other LETO interests call for our attention.

I would like to leave a stable Canada for our new CP. This matter needs to be wrapped up. Either we are at war or we are just supporting our allies, we can't do both. This circular war is ridiculous as neither of us win and we both loose damage that could be better used elsewhere. Let us meet on the field of battle in Norway or Sweden, that would be good and proper. I call on the Congress of the UK to end this.