A trip around the world. 45th stop - PAKISTAN [DAY 2686]

Day 2,686, 10:51 Published in Pakistan Egypt by freshass

Hello, Pakistan! After the new Plato divisions updates the game became very boring so I decided to make it a little more interesting. Before the changes I raised a force and tried to become a strong second division tank but when levels were rised I decided no longer 2-clicking.

That would be interesting, I was starting a trip around the world and now my 45th stop is Pakistan.

A trip around the world. 1st stop - LATVIA. [Day 2293]
A trip around the world. 2nd stop - ESTONIA. [Day 2295]
A trip around the world. 3rd stop - FINLAND. [Day 2297]
A trip around the world. 4th stop - UNITED KINGDOM [Day 2301]
A trip around the world. 5th stop - GERMANY [Day 2310]
A trip around the world. 6th stop - NETHERLANDS [Day 2314]
A trip around the world. 7th stop - POLAND [Day 2315]
A trip around the world. 8th stop - BELARUS [Day 2318]
A trip around the world. 9th stop - UKRAINE [Day 2320]
A trip around the world. 10th stop - BULGARIA [Day 2322]
A trip around the world. 11th stop - ROMANIA [Day 2327]
A trip around the world. 12th stop - SERBIA [Day 2328]
A trip around the world. 13th stop - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA [Day 2329]
A trip around the world. 14th stop - HUNGARY [Day 2330]
A trip around the world. 15th stop - SLOVENIA [Day 2332]
A trip around the world. 16th stop - CROATIA [Day 2345]
A trip around the world. 17th stop - ITALY [Day 2351]
A trip around the world. 18th stop - FRANCE [Day 2356]
A trip around the world. 19th stop - TAIWAN [Day 2357]
A trip around the world. 20th stop - NORWAY [Day 2364]
A trip around the world. 21th stop - RUSSIA [Day 2370]
A trip around the world. 22th stop - INDONESIA [Day 2372]
A trip around the world. 23th stop - SINGAPORE [Day 2373]
A trip around the world. 24th stop - IRAN [Day 2384]
A trip around the world. 25th stop - COLOMBIA. [DAY 2551]
A trip around the world. 26th stop - PERU [DAY 2553]
A trip around the world. 27th stop - ARGENTINA [DAY 2556]
A trip around the world. 28th stop - BRAZIL [DAY 2558]
A trip around the world. 29th stop - PORTUGAL [DAY 2560]
A trip around the world. 30th stop - MEXICO [DAY 2561]
A trip around the world. 31th stop - USA [DAY 2584]
A trip around the world. 32th stop - CANADA [DAY 2585]
A trip around the world. 33th stop - REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA [DAY 2608]
A trip around the world. 34th stop - IRELAND [DAY 2610]
A trip around the world. 35th stop - TURKEY [DAY 2613]
A trip around the world. 36th stop - GREECE [DAY 2619]
A trip around the world. 37th stop - CYPRUS [DAY 2620]
A trip around the world. 38th stop - SWEDEN [DAY 2640]
A trip around the world. 39th stop - VENEZUELA [DAY 2648]
A trip around the world. 40th stop - ALBANIA [DAY 2664]
A trip around the world. 41th stop - GEORGIA [DAY 2665]
A trip around the world. 42th stop - REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA [DAY 2669]
A trip around the world. 43th stop - SOUTH AFRICA [DAY 2678]
A trip around the world. 44th stop - ARMENIA [DAY 2683]


My goals:
1) To do the necessary damage for your country to take BH and to travel further.
2) After a stay in Finland player Repe Ruutikallo given a good idea: Please ask readers to post a palindrome in their own language.

-Aavikolla kituu Repe Ruutikallo, kivaa.- (Finnish)
-Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god- (English)
-Are we not pure? “No sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man; a prisoner up to new era- (English)
-Eine Hure ruhe nie- (German)
-Baas, neem een racecar, neem een Saab- (Dutch)
-Koos u de garage dus ook?- (Dutch)
-God, red nu 'ns 'n underdog- (Dutch)
-Kobyła ma mały bok- (Polish)
-Ala boski miks obala- (Polish)
-Wódy żal dla żydów- (Polish)
-u Izydy żądze na wyrku co noc ukrywane - zdąży Dyziu?- (Polish)
-Mizeroi io rezim- (Polish)
-Ile Roman ładny dyndał na moreli?- (Polish)
-Może jutro ta dama da tortu jeżom- (Polish)
- Zakopane na pokaz- (Polish)
-У раба - хата хабару- (Belarusian)
-А мара ліпы - піларама- (Belarusian)
-Нам сіла — талісман- (Belarusian)
-Аргентина манит негра- (Belarusian)
-О, гомін німого!- (Ukrainian)
-А винагорода – та дорога, нива!- (Ukrainian)
-А баба на волі — цілована баба- (Ukrainian)
-Уже лисі ліси… Лежу- (Ukrainian)
-Уже ребра татар бережу- (Ukrainian)
-Умру. Суму сум — у сурму- (Ukrainian)
-Легна хранен гост с огнен архангел- (Bulgarian)
-И дива кака пипа какавиди- (Bulgarian)
-Баба обви жив боабаб- (Bulgarian)
-Анархия и храна- (Bulgarian)
-Нима вола ни кара бараки на лов?! Амин!- (Bulgarian)
-Ядох не сарми, а бозава зоб. А и мръсен ходя- (Bulgarian)
-Насила закараха свинете ни в Сахара! - каза Лисан- (Bulgarian)
-O rama maro- (Romanian)
-Ele ne seduc cu desenele- (Romanian)
-Era nuda la Dunare- (Romanian)
-Ана воли Милована- (Serbian)
-У Риму умиру- (Serbian)
-И ружа жури- (Serbian)
-Е, сине, жени се- (Serbian)
-И сир има мирис- (Serbian)
-Imaju hašiš i šah u jami- (Bosnian)
-Imaju Arapi i para u jami- (Bosnian)
-Arapi u jami imaju i para- (Bosnian)
-Aleksandar radna skela- (Bosnian)
http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyar_nyelvC5B1_palindromok_listC3A1ja (Hungarian)
http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyar_nyelv%C5%B1_palindromok_list%C3%A1ja (Hungarian)
Awesome Love letter:
-Nádasi K. Ottó Kis-Adán, májusi szerdán e levelem írám. A mottó: Szivedig ime visz irás, kellemest író! Szinlelő sziv rám kacsintál! De messzi visz szemed… Az álmok (ó csaló szirének ezek, ó csodaadók) elé les. Irok ime messze távol. Barnám! Lám e szivindulat Öné. S im e sziv, e vér ezeket ereszti ki: Szivem! Ime leveled előttem, eszemet letevő! Kicsike! Szava remegne ott? – Öleli karom át, Édesem! Lereszket évasziv rám. Szivem imád s áldozni kér réveden – régi gyerekistenem. Les im. Előtte visz szived is. Ég. Érte reszketek, szeret rég és ide visz. Szivet – tőlem is elmenet – siker egy igérne, de vérré kinzod (lásd ám: ime visz már, visz a vétek!) szerelmesedét. Ámor (aki lelőtt ó engem, e ravasz, e kicsi!) Követeltem eszemet tőled! E levelem ime viszi… Kit szeretek ezer éve, viszem is én őt, aludni viszem. Álmán rablóvá tesz szeme. Mikor is e lélekodaado csók ezeken éri, szól: A csókom láza de messzi visz!… Szemed látni csak már!… Visz ölelni!… Szoríts!… Emellek Sári szivemig. Ide visz Ottó. Ma már ím e levelen ádresz is uj ám: Nádasi K. Ottó Kis-Adán. (Hungarian)
-Perica reže raci rep!- (Slovenian)
http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/palindromi/index.html (Slovenian)
-Sir ima miris- (Croatian)
-Mače jede ječam- (Croatian)
- Idu ljeta, pate ljudi- (Croatian)
- A mene tu ni minute nema- (Croatian)
-E là ci porta la cicala tropocale (Italian)
-ai lati d'Italia (Italian)
-Alleata fida è la tela (tessi da diva!) e t'esautora. Se la turba ride
sotto i baffi, rida: la mai domita reina - mero malanimo - desìa
miracolo, se l'augura. Fottuti vedovi, voraci e laidi, e bacati,
usati, videro idre, Venere, Sodoma, acne... lei: razza beata, male
decàdi! Per tali dessi -lui dov'è? - sol odio porta, e dice: "Delitto
sia!: morte, vario male, Marte". Regge la donna o crolla? È lei
fenice: di parole godibili - da dir anonime, tacite e retro -, folle
boutade (issòpo ùsale, e crema citrata), causa età, lena e tatto non
n'oserà, l'oserà di rado; ma la tela- è diutina mirabile trama - eluse
i Proci: è recidiva. Più ignava, se pei Proci n'avesse tema, lei
vivrebbe. S'irò l'Odisseo - troppo sopportò -: essi dolori s'ebber
vivi, e lame tessevan i corpi, e pesavan giù i pavidi cerei corpi;
esule, a Marte liba!: rimani tu. Ideale talamo, da ridare solare
sonno, nottate anelate, a sua catartica mercé è là, suo: possieda tu,
o bello, forte re, etica Temi non arida di libido. Gelo rapì decine -
fiele! - all'Orco; annoda leggere trame la Moira - vetro mai sottile!
-: decide Atropo, idolo sevo. Di Ulisse, di là, trepida cede l'amata:
è bazza! Rielenca a modo serene verdi ore di vita su Itaca, bei dì: a
lei caro, vivo, devi tutto far uguale: solo cari, mai - se domina
l'amore - manierati modi; amala di riffa, biotto: se dirà brutale:
"sarò tua", sete avida dissétale. Taléa di fata, ella!- (Italian)
-I topi non avevano nipoti- (Italian)
-avida diva- (Italian)
-Engage le jeu que je le gagne- (French)
-Esope reste ici et se repose- (French)
-Léon, émir cornu, d'un roc rime Noël- (French)
-À Laval, elle l'avala- (French)
-Et curé gorgé de grog éructe- (Frennch)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UmaknpXN4VQAObdjviIzL4omE0_7Zp38simjzznGwx8/edit?pli=1 (French)
-我為人人,人人為我- (Taiwanese)
-上海自來水來自海上- (Taiwanese)
-法國逃難者難逃國法- (Taiwanese)
-Rolf are vurderer om arons ni drag i gardinsnora morer edru vera floR- (Norwegian)
http://otvety.google.ru/otvety/thread?tid=4be5bb9720c273b5 (Russian)
-Аргентина манит негра- (Russian)
-А роза упала на лапу Азора- (Russian)
-Лёша на полке клопа нашёл- (Russian)
-Лена набила рожу мужу - муж орал и банан ел- (Russian)
-Aku suka rajawali, bapak. Apabila wajar aku suka- (Indonesian)
-kasur ini rusak- (Indonesian)
-شکر بترازوی وزارت برکش
شو همره بلبل بلب هر مهوش - (Iranian)
رامش مرد گنج باری و قوت
تو قوی را بجنگ در مشمار - (Iranian)
بنی ادم اعضای یک پیکرند، که در افرینش ز یک گوهرند -(Iranian)
-La ruta nos aportó otro paso natural- (Colombians)
-Acaso hubo búhos acá- (Colombians)
-Allí por la tropa portado, traído a ese paraje de maniobras, una tipa como capitán usar boina me dejara, pese a odiar toda tropa por tal ropilla- (Colombians)
-O medo de amar a mãe do demo- (Brazilian)
-Socorram-me, subi no ônibus em Marrocos- (Brazilian)
-A torre da derrota- (Portuguese)
-Anita lava la tina- (Mexican)
-Se mamon o no mames- (Mexican)
-нели не си ти сенилен- (Macedonian)
-е не чини, циничен е- (Macedonian)
-јадење и пиење дај- (Macedonian)
-е, леле се веселеле- (Macedonian)
-A Nóinín, níl an rí anocht ar Ráth Conair, ná linn in Iona- (Irish)
-Αδάμ άτοκη κότα μαδά- (Greek)
-Innehåll åhenni- (Swedish)
-Paris med alla dem Sirap- (Swedish)
-Retur i ruter- (Swedish)
-Agarrala Galarraga- (Venezuelan)
-აი, რა მზის სიზმარია- (Georgian)
-ე მაისი! აი ია! ისიამე- (Georgian)
-აისია, ასიზმრმზისა, აისია- (Georgian)
-მალე ტიტამ, მაისიამ, მატიტელამ- (Georgian)
-აირმზისად ცისად დასიც დასიზმრია- (Georgian)
-ეს არის მსოფლიო, სადაც არაფერი არ გამოსწორდება- (Georgian)
-Ele ne seduc cu desenele- (Moldovian)
-Era o tipă răpitoare!- (Moldovian)
-Epurașul ușa rupe- (Moldovian)
-Արա իմ, առած դրամ՝ քաղաքեքաղաք մարդ ծառա մի արա- (Armenian)
-Սերամա՜հ եթե համարես- (Armenian)

UPDATE: achieved BH in Jammu and Kashmir against Iran

Some photos from my original country Lithuania:
