A Statement of Matters - IR[MoFA]

Day 2,842, 11:05 Published in Iran Iran by Albus



Dear Friends , Players and Neighbours

Reccently my good friend xSteviex wrote an article about war between Iran and Georgia

Despite his good words and attitude about me personally , which I thank him sincerely , sadly I’ve noticed about some unfounded accusations and falsifications

For all friends in this game which knows me it is a clear and known fact that I’ve always cared about good relations with neighbours and for sure Georgia is not distinct from this policy in our political doctrine

It has been claimed that Georgia took Armenian regions while they were idle and released by Egypt which also they assert that Egypt took them because Iran waivered and abandoned her right over those regions

Well at best this is a falsification of history!!

Egypt has legally RENTED them from Iran and few months later they’ve announced that they cant afford the rent so they are returning regions to Iran

I want to mention it that in time when conflict raised and when we have contacted Georgia to solve the problem diplomaticly , Georgia claimed that they have a deal about Armenia with Egypt which has been DENIED immediately by Egyptian eGov

The question is why did Georgia saw the need to lie if those regions where actually idle and free as they claim today!?

In this article we’ve been accused of being a warmonger e-Nation because we denied to solve the problem diplomaticly and rejected their offers for sharing regions and split them fairly...

I want to remind it to my dear friend xSteviex , that it were us who demanded them to pull back behind their borders and deliever us their request about RENTING regions so we can accept it while our territorial integrity is not under any sort of bullying and threats

I want to remind him as a friend that oppressed part in a conflict wont threats the other one with an invasion by a third party , which despite to being their loyal ally , wiped us and bullied us for months just because they were BORED

I want to remind him that it was not our MoFA in the first days of conflict who said all diplomatical acts doomed to fail because GEORGIAN PEOPLE ARE BORED AND CRIES FOR WAR

And above all , Armenia is not an uninhabited piece of land from dreams world to split and share freely

They are an e-Nation with players and a Government which we declared in many states that we respect their rule over their own lands despite to our Agreement with Turkey , You are free to check it with very single Authority of them

Yes this is politic and you don’t have to be honest , but at least try to be fair when calling us warmongers

As a fact you know that Iran delayed her big plans to aid her allies just because we were engaged with Georgia in our very own borders , So holding Iran responsible for a war which is a total waste and obstacle in her way to greater successes is just ridiculous as the true mean of the word

For your attention , negotiations has not been lifted out because Iran asked you to declar your remorse just about LACK OF COORDINATION

I’m announcing and taking full responsibility of my words that Iran didn't took any part in any sort of coup at Georgia officially

Did some of our players and and MUs fought against you in the coup? Yes they did!

But that’s what happens when Google translate all of Georgian comments under my interview with a Georgian journalist about Goodwishes and Respect for your community into some “MOTHER……” words

Again and again I’m forced to clarify our stand in this matter , as a country which tasted the bitterness of elimination and bullying , we have no interest in keeping you wiped out or by god sake even hurt pride of one single player of Georgia

We don’t want you to yell out for eWorld about something stupid as apology which you’ve mentioned , what good it has to do for us?

The only reason we bringed forth “Remorse” , was to see your real regret about a war which wasted great deal of supply in both side
Tell me how can you sign a peace with someone who does not feel ill nor regret about an useless war to finish it?

And sadly your dictator’s routine messages to our Cabinet about wiping and ripping Iran apart does not do any good nor help us to finish this conflict

So the only remaining option for us is to demand a Remorse which you cant deny or violate the next time your people are BORED and DESIRE WAR

At the end I wish to send my sincerely regards and respects to Georgian people which as I mentioned to your President during negotiations , we had and I wish we would have very positive thoughts about them as Iranians because of our common culture (which I hope this time it wont bring any “Mother” comments under this article)

Again Thank you for your kind words about Me

Truly Yours,

eIranian Citizen
MoFA of Dictatorship of eIran
