A RL Challenge Excepted or comments needed

Day 2,569, 08:02 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls

though laid off and pissed onto
I carry on under my canopy
devalued to a low level
as Orwell's 1984 character seemly

the tears flow the way though to
the heart of non-apathy
riches found to reveille
as Place offers one redeeming

A young upstart wanted to put me on the spot so I accepted his challenge to write a poem about the place we were at, at that moment.

I still have a mission were upon I need 25 comments

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-first-of-three-mission-ehistory-2467901/1/20 needs 16 more

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mission-or-helping-others-2468230/1/20 this one only 14 more

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-rl-challenge-excepted-or-comments-needed-2473443/1/20 you are reading this one

Presently there are no players vying to complete the same missions or I would link them for you (us) unlike our oppressive government lackeys (as in lacking good grace)...

Also waiting to see which candidate for PotUS shows true inclusiveness, by including me in their campaign, before offering an endorsement or at least promise to bring the Pony Express back to relevance.

If a reward was to be presented by the community toward those out to help the community grow, I would nominate this paper for an award; Mike Ontry's awesome paper

If and when I complete this current mission, I will share my chicken crackling recipes; chicken crackling salad and chicken bacon gravy (pork free), yum, so get commenting