A Pirate's Life

Day 642, 06:07 Published in South Africa Sweden by zamrg

I'm running a little economics game and competition known as The Pirate Game, which is multi-player adaption of the ultimatum game. If you aren't familiar with game theory, it is a branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations in which individuals or organisations choose various actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. (wikipedia)

The game works as follows:
- 5 or 10 pirates (citizens) come across 100/200 coins on a deserted island and all want a share of the coins
- The pirates will be randomly ranked using the website http://www.random.org/lists/
- The first pirate will be the captain for round 1 and each subsequent pirate is a subordinate of the pirate above him/her
- The captain then proposes to distribute the coins among the pirates (eg: captain gets 80 coins, rank B gets 10 coins, rank C gets 5 coins, rank D gets 5 coins, rank E gets 0 coins, etc)
- The pirates then vote on the captain's proposal
- If the proposal is successful with either a majority vote or a tie, the coins are issued to each pirate in the captain's proposed stakes and everyone wins the game
- If the proposal fails, the captain is thrown off the ship and kicked out the game and the game then continues to another round where each pirate moves up in rank and the strongest becomes the next captain
- A pirate bases his decision on 3 factors:
- each pirate wants to survive to the end
- each pirate wants the most amount of coins
- each pirate wants to throw his peers overboard so that he can win

I'm looking for 5 or 10 eager pirates to join the game.

The cost to enter is 0.4 gold each which will go towards the total prize pool of 2 or 4 gold depending on whether there are 5 or 10 players.

The value of 1 coin = 0.02 gold and the prize pool will either be distributed in a round which the proposal is approved (game ends) or in the final round when 2 pirates are left.

It's very hard to organise this through comments so if you want to play, you need to be on the irc.rizon.net network in channel #pirate-life

I would also appreciate if you would vote this article up and subscribe to my paper.