A look at 2013 and Happy New Year

Day 2,233, 18:20 Published in Netherlands Canada by Cody Caine

A Highlight Recap of 2013
I started the year out in the eUK, lost all interest in the game, resigned my spot in UK congress that lancer had talked me into taking to begin with, Resigned from the UKPP and all about quit eRep. Asked my friends via shout a good place to die, Grimstone said come back to South Africa, so I did, and somehow ended up with new jobs and pulled back into the game. My return to South Africa was highlighted by rebuilding RISE from dying out to a top 5 party as the new South African Gold Party, and one week as Country President after Miya was impeached by a PTO group controlled congress, that left me with a week of unchecked BS time as CP. Somewhere in there I helped kill an Alliance by sticking to being loyal to the interest of its founders instead of the interests of the people who wanted to exercise control, two faced people who said one thing campaigned for another, and then went about putting people they claimed to hate in power as my replacement. Some people are just corrupt like that in nature.

After South Africa I returned to the US for a bit, but taxes got to high, so I moved to Israel, but then they raised taxes too. So I then spent some time in Canada for a second time, until finally being able to become Dutch as I am now.

On the note of Revolutionary Parties, the original is a zombie shell of what it once was. Which haters will say wasn't much of anything, but the heck with those negative thoughts.

The ARP rose to the top of eAus ranks in 2013 and hovers around that area, has elected several CPs from its ranks during the year, including irule777, and my favorite in Molly Jo, along with a few others I can't be bothered to name lol.

And Finally the DRP came to life in the Netherlands by the power of Lancer, Schoft and I as the original founders, now up to 17 members.

On the friend note, made new ones like schoft,and cielly, had a mentee for a while, continued to bond with my buddy lancer, still love Kooguy, greeling and the old lot. Plus I still enjoy messing with Timmy Holtz lol.

To 2014
I'm coasting right now, but not near the exit like I was last year, so things I look forward to out of 2014 on eRep is the growth and success of the DRP, building my new MU the Revolutionary Knights, and some fun articles. And maybe one last run at actually being elected to Country President, not just having it via impeachment lol.

Thanks to all the readers I still have and might get,
Cody Caine
The For Some Reason Still here Rebel with a demented Cause.