A Look Around The Globe

Day 730, 14:05 Published in Japan United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Austria | PEACE | UK

Hey y’all

I’m AV, I’ve met some of you already, some of you not yet. Regardless, I’m a new immigrant to Japan, previously from the UK.

When I was in the UK I was their Minister of Foreign Affairs for two terms. So anyway, when I was MoFA I wrote a few articles, explaining events from around the world to the best of my knowledge. So I’ve decided to re-take up this little venture, but I’ll be starting small, with only a few details in my articles.

So, hope this is even slightly interesting 🙂

How do you solve a problem like Austria?
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Austria has been heavily featured in the news, as of late. This is because the Hungarians decided to invade Burgenland, an area they believe to truly belong to them due to real life issues. However, upon attacking Austria, Hungary found itself not only fighting Austria, but France as well (Malaysia too but that’s significant to this particular story) due to the MPPs they activated.

France and Hungary have been having difficulties with each other for a while now, with the tensions rearing its ugly head in public, especially in the past month. France and Hungary, were once long term allies, with the true friendship being traced back to the origins of PEACE and of course, Hungary’s huge assistance in defending France from Atlantis during Operation French Toast.

However, recently the two nations haven’t been getting along so well, however, in my personal opinion it came about due to a period of the Hungarian Government’s arrogance. In several operations for PEACE Hungary asked Lyne Faynel (the French President) to do things she disagreed with, and rather than presenting her with a valid argument, they intimidated her. There are, of course, other reasons but none as public and scandalous as that one =3

So anyway, France and Hungary were now confronting each other on the battlefield. Then revelations came, PEACE GC sent its PEACEKeepers to assist its member nation of Austria, and they were soon joined by EDEN forces, which, is of course rather amusing. EDEN presumably entered this battle to make Hungary look bad, and make themselves look good.

Austria has always been on the verge of PEACE. A third of its population want to be members of EDEN, a third PEACE and a third neutral. Or thereabouts. So as you can see, Austria is a bit of a hotspot. Nice country though, I visited it this morning.

So of course, the combined forces of PEACE and EDEN won the battle (probably the first and last battle they will work together on the battlefield). Admittedly, this battle was won with relative ease, largely due to the Hungarian army being ordered to move to France and defend Austria. The army was instructed to do this as a new Cabinet has been formed, which is not fond of these moves.

The reason Hungary invaded, as I said before, was because of RL issues. The President was desperate to keep control over the country, and therefore tried to appeal to nationalists in the country by doing their will. Or that’s what I’m told anyway…

All in all, the issue seems to be over and everyone loves each other again. This part of the article seems to be as much about France and Hungary as it does Austria… Misleading topics if ever I’ve saw one.

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A topic closer to my heart, the survival of PEACE. In one of my previous articles I mentioned how the brotherhood, trust and friendship of PEACE would never die. This has been shown in Austria, and around the world. Despite nations leaving PEACE, they are still supporting our brothers and sisters around the world in their every day battles.

An article was released the other day, by Antonio Salgado (we believe, and who has since been removed as PEACE Secretary General) about how PEACE was being officially dismantled. PEACE is not dead, despite what some people say. Some people may also mention how we are trying to prop up the remains of a dead alliance. This is also not the case. I will admit, PEACE GC, as we know it, has gone forever. Which is why I have begun to refer to it as “Old PEACE”. New PEACE rises from its ashes, like a phoenix, or a Star Wars-like Republic.

Anyway, New PEACE is a defensive alliance. Old PEACE lost its way, it became too bloated, too greedy. New PEACE has learned from its previous mistakes and will remain a defensive alliance. Therefore it has no reason to be at odds with EDEN anymore, at least in my opinion.

But that’s enough of my propaganda for one day \o/

The ever so “United” Kingdom
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My previous country. I won’t lie, I still do love the eUK but it has hideously lost its way. Recently, widdows9000 the Special Forces Commanding Officer stole around 600 GOLD from the Ministry of Defence. He said he would return it if Mr Woldy (UK president) invaded the USA and, if demands weren’t reached in a set time, Sweden too.

Widdows has since sold most, if not all of the companies. Many, like me, are curious as to Widdows’ methods. Many agree with his desire for war with the USA (due largely to the post-Atlantis relations between the two nations). However, another camp is firmly against suiciding the UK (for the record, I should note that party politics are very prevalent in the UK).

So yes, Widdows’ methods. I don’t personally believe that crippling your own country’s military is the best way to win a war, but hey, that’s just me. What do I know?

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So that’s me for now I think, if you liked this, please PM me and add me as a friend 🙂

And if things go well, I’ll be releasing more articles, so make sure to vote and subscribe!


I have just discovered how beautiful Austria is.