A Little Crazy and A Lot of Awesome!

Day 1,649, 12:18 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Congress elections are finally over. While the new Congress settles in and party leadership relaxes slightly, the drone of politics continues. Thanks to the 30-day election cycle, even though Congress elections just ended, the run up to Presidential elections begins almost immediately.

Oh, hey, speaking of which, I’m hereby announcing my intention to run for President of the United States (POTUS).

When running for POTUS, there are two main questions that a candidate should be upfront and honest about:

-Why do you want to be POTUS?
-What makes you qualified to be POTUS?

So please allow me some brutal honesty here.

Why do I want to be POTUS?

There are several reasons including but not limited to:
-I’m crazy
-I apparently have too much free time
-I have no respect for my mental well-being
-I’ve seen the eUS in dire straights like this before and want to help

Wait, what was that last one?

In case you just joined the game or you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months, the eUS is staring down the barrel of a gun yet again. We’re surrounded by enemies who have every intention of invading these United States. This isn’t the first time this has happened (or even the second time).

If you don’t know me already, I’m a long-time player in eRepublik. As of this month, I’m over three-and-a-half years of continuous play old. In eRep terms, that’s very old. During that time, I’ve seen both major invasions of the eUS. I was involved in government during both of those invasions, so I’m well aware of the level of effort it takes to run the government during a massive invasion.

I’m not afraid of that challenge. I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t think I could take it. But I’ve lived in and served the eUSA longer than almost everyone alive today, and I’ll be damned if I’ll just roll-over and let the Hungarians and their friends do what they want. The next administration will have to coordinate meticulously with our allies and ensure that every single American citizen is on the same page to maximize the efficiency of our war machine. There’s no room for a half-assed effort; there’s no room for infighting; and there’s definitely no room for blaming anyone else.

It doesn’t matter how we got where we are today, we’re here. We have to accept that and move on. We have to grit our teeth, bear down, and make the enemy pay for every inch of ground they take. If they want to come charging at us, we’ll make it cost.

That’s why I want to be POTUS! To ensure America gets over the infighting in order to fight the real enemy.

That brings us to the second question: What makes me qualified to be POTUS?

That’s a question we could spend all day talking about. In 3.5 years of playing eRep I’ve done an awful lot, including but not limited to:

-Over 20 terms as a member of Congress, and at least 4 months spent serving as Speaker of the House. Combined with the numerous months I’ve spent as an advisor to other Speakers and the Congress as a whole, I’ve been involved in that body continuously since February of 2009

-I’ve been Party President of a Top 5 party at least 5 times and held other leadership positions across the 5 different Top 5 parties I had the pleasure of serving with over the years

-I’ve served in the White House numerous times including two terms as Chief-of-Staff to President A^2, held at least two other Cabinet posts, and advised more Presidents than I can accurately count; all told, I’ve cumulated over 20 months of top-level White House access over time, meaning I’m well aware of how the Presidency and Cabinet work

-I’m a founding officer of the United States Armed Forces, having joined as an officer when the USAF was formed under President Emerick. In the year plus I’ve been a member of the Army/Air Force, I served a number of officer posts, including several months as Executive Officer (XO) of the Army and a member of the National Security Council

That’s the major highlights of my long career in eRepublik, but my no means everything I’ve done in that time. All together, I think I am more than qualified to be President of the eUnited States of America.

All I need, all I ask, is that you weigh me against the other candidates and decide for yourself who is best qualified. Expect more articles in the coming days.

Give into insanity; Enjoy the ride