A Letter from the new Minister of Education

Day 508, 21:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

Greetings to all eIrishmen!

This is my first article since being appointed Minister of Education. Let me start by saying that as I am fairly new to the game I will be calling on many of you over the course of my term to assist me in my service to the country. I am an educator IRL so I hope to bring my leadership expertise to the New World and improve on the Mentoring environment in both the forums and in-game.

As my first step in the process of University Development I would like to post my first impressions of the forum classes as follows:

A very informative class; students wishing to learn a new language would do well to start here. I see some in-game potential for this class knowledge that I will discuss with the relevant parties later.

A fairly undeveloped class; I believe a strong knowledge of economics leads to a stronger economy for all and a stronger Ireland. I would like to see this become one of the principal classes in the University.

Political Science
In this class I see the beginnings of a useful tool for Ireland’s survival in the New World. Small countries have a low survival rate here and I would like to build our political prowess to match that of the ‘bullies’ of the New World.

This forum contains a good mix of Irish history and the history of eIreland. I believe both are important and a streamlined learning experience for new citizens will increase their game longevity.

Business Management
I would love to see this class develop into a useful tool for the Irish entrepreneur. One of the major differences I have seen between the large and small countries in the new world is the efficiency of its company leaders. A strong base of knowledge for our General Managers will make our economy and our country stronger.

I was surprised to see this class offered in the University but I recognize that all knowledge is power. We may soon find eIreland in direct contact with a Spanish speaking population and this skill may become useful. However; a class is not but a teacher and his students, if neither exists this class may be removed.

Beginner's Guide
I can think of no class that is more important to the growth of eIreland and will rely on my teachers to develop this class into the resource we all know we need in order to teach our ‘noobs’ the ways of the New World and hopefully keep as many as possible as long-term citizens.

After reviewing the University I found that I came across the same small selection of names over and over again. One of my primary goals as MoEd will be to expand the Teacher and Student base to as many New World citizens as possible by working closely with the Department of New Citizens.

I thank all of the teachers who have posted to the forums in the past and hope we can continue to build the University to help all eIreland’s citizens. I ask that those of you who wish to teach one of these classes, or volunteer to teach new ones, contact me so that I may get a ‘head count’ of the educators I can rely on.

Faithfully yours,
Minister of Education