A Hope in Unity

Day 82, 00:00 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

I got complaints that this platform may be to long and I have to agree that 2800 words might be a lot for some people that have better things to do so I provided you with a TL/DR version of the platform, enjoy!

Accountability, Transparency and Security
Inform everyone with changes or decisions that are made by the cabinet and congress via an article at least once every 2 days.
Bring transparency to a new level this will include a public budget, a fully transparent cabinet with the forum open to every Canadian citizen, etc.
Implement a system that guarantees our organizations will be harder to steal in the future.

Reform the CAF and start cutting down their funds to an acceptable level by changing the very mode it operates.
Increase TCO funding to 7000 CAD .
Create the war council, uniting all the great military minds of the country no matter their political color or military membership.

Foreign Affairs:
Reform the Council of Foreign Relations uniting our former great diplomats and MoFAs under the same banner.
Restart the Ambassadorial program with a 3 stage term for ambassadors.

Drop the CAD to 40 CAD per gold and make money in doing so.
Open the markets to imports by reducing the import tax to 15% in all sectors.
Encourage export through trade agreements with neutral or allied countries.

Baby Boom and Education
Encourage all attempts to create a baby-boom in Canada.
Implement a national Mentor-ship program.
Reactivate Health Canada and supply new citizens with food and wellness when they make their first steps into the new world.

Some of you may be wondering why I choose “A hope in unity” as my campaign slogan and as my platform title. I will try my best to answer that to the best of my ability. At present, most of my friends and people that form my team Canada and I believe that Canada’s biggest problem right now is its lack of unity. The fact that we are battling an imagined adversary within instead of the real enemy outside. Make no mistake; I believe that change must be brought and I believe that the points brought up in the last few days are valid. I believe that these issues must be addressed and fixed but I believe we have to do it as one, as a team, with one soul and one desire. United under the same banner: A better Canada.

That is why my main goal this month isn't to bring 2000 Gold to the country’s bank, or to conquer London or Paris, or to increase the help we provide to our newer players. My main goal this month is to make Canadians unite in a reconstruction effort. Sure, like any presidential candidate I dream of making this country great, expanding our territories, increasing our economic capacity and raising our active population but that is my second priority. The most important & main priority is to get together & unite like we have never been before.

Before you draw the gun and say that we do not need a united country or we can do just fine the way we are let me ask you a few questions: Where are we now? At the gates of London? How did we get here? By being divided? Then I ask you, if we managed to get here in our current state of affairs, what will stop us from achieving much more once we untie? I tell you that nothing can stand in our path when we are united, nothing can stop us when we start fighting as one, when we start shouting as one. Nothing in God's green Earth can derail us from our tracks when we have set our minds on one thing and pursue it with every inch of ambition and might we may have. Nothing I tell you, NOTHING!

If you are still skeptical and think that it is just a political speech or this is just a speech for the troops or if you believe that this is just something I am saying to get your support, then let me give you an example. Summer of 2009, more than a year passed since we were conquered and our fate seemed grim and without hope, what did we do then? Did we surrender and gave up the fight? No, we united under the same banner and started fighting for the liberation of this country. Nothing stood between us and our goal and we faced powerful enemies: United Kingdom, France, Iran and Hungary. No one was able to stop us from liberating our country. Why were they unable to stop us? Because we were united and because we had our allies’ support. Make no mistake; our allies were important but they only came to our aid because they saw we were united, because they believed we were worth it.

Accountability, Transparency and Security

One of the biggest problems that was raised during this last few days was the lack of accountability and transparency both in the government and in the national army and I tend to agree that a real government, a serious government needs to keep its citizens informed and up to speed with changes and decisions. That is why I came up with a plan designed to solve this problem for good.

Public Records
Public records of costs & spendings made by both the Canadian Armed Forces and the Government. The creation of a single spreadsheet designed to centralize all spending done within a month and bringing it to the public. This spending will not only be visible to you but will be clarified to you so that you know what was done and why! Sure, this can increase bureaucracy, sure it will make it harder for the Ministry of Finance and for the Canadian Armed Forces to keep up with the constant change of things but it will bring a much needed change to our government, it will give you a government that not only will be able to earn your trust but will also do whatever it takes to keep you informed and satisfied.


I plan to take this ministry into a whole new level with articles released every 2 days. The team behind the Ministry of Communication will be created from our finest journalists. These men and women will have the job of getting every decision our government makes out into the media and explain to our citizens why we did this and how. An informed citizen is a powerful citizen. Bringing the information to you will be an essential step in creating a transparent government that will accept its mistakes as well as work with its citizens on repairing them.

During the past month it has become more and more clear that Canada needs to find a way to better secure it's wealth from theft or loss that is why I would like to propose a system design to secure our in-game Organization from theft. This plan is not bullet-proof and I think we shall never find a bullet-proof plan. All we can hope to achieve is an increase in our governments assets security. I plan to install a secure e-mail for every organization. The e-mails would be hosted on the same servers that host our forums. The President, Speaker of Congress and one elected member of the Administration team would have access to those email but only with each-others approval.This system would be hard to implement but I hope myself, neoice and Kronos_Q can figure it out in useful time.


This past few weeks have been a mess with the conflict between TCO and CAF reaching new heights and this is a problem that affects our entire country because a divided army is an army doomed to fail on the battlefield. You can argue all you want about the relevance this conflict has on the battlefield but the truth is at the end of the day if CAF and TCO do not cooperate, they do not coordinate to make their damage count. I plan to address this problem from three different angles:

TCO: I understand that TCO is angry at Canada for not receiving more money, more support from Canada to help them supply their members with adequate numbers of food and weapons but at the same time I understand that Canada can't offer the 15 000 Cad they requested and so should they. I plan to increase their funding to what I consider an adequate level that can both sustain the TCO and not harm our economy. I hope TCO will accept this extra funding and prove to Canada that they can be as mature and responsible as they ought to be.

CAF: As some citizens pointed out recently, the CAF has its problems. It did not see any real reform in quite some time and frankly it is not functioning machine it used to be. What I plan to do is to start a reform inside the CAF, a reform that will transform the CAF into a professional army that truly sacrifices everything they have for Canada. At this moment every penny in the CAF budget goes to buying weapons from our markets and food to supply to soldiers and as it is right now it cannot continue. We are spending far too much money for the amount of damage we are making. As a president I will work with my Minister of Defense (raw784) to start the implementation of a self-funded CAF. In theory the CAF wouldn't need any more money except for salaries (minimum salary for every CAF soldier), raw materials and food. This may seem farfetched at this time but keep in mind that it means a drop of 40% in CAF related spending. This may not seem much now but it actually means that Canada will save over 10k CAD per week and that means over 40k per month which is about 1400 Gold, just by being smart about how we spend our money.

CAF and TCO: The need to coordinate these 2 armies has become more and more vital. We need to act now, that is why I am proposing the formation of the War Council. This council will be formed by the President, Vice-President, MoD, dMoD (if any) and CAF and TCO high ranking officials. This structure will not only be used to coordinate the efforts TCO and CAF bring to the battlefield but also to help the President get more opinions on how the war is going and how it should proceed. Everything from national war strategy to funding and plans to increase damage output. I know this will not be a popular move on either side but I can only hope that both parties can act in a mature way now that Canada needs them!

Foreign Affairs Perspective

I my opinion our Foreign Affairs department barely exists. We lack a complete and competent team of ambassadors or a goal in our foreign affairs policy or any direction in this sector at the current moment. Yes, it is true most of our allies understood and they only kept discussions at the highest level only but this cannot continue. This is why I am proposing the re-formation of the Council of Foreign Relations. Instead of trusting a single man (Minister of Foreign Affairs; Treian) with the decisions related to Foreign Affairs, I plan to bring back this team of specialists which will have the sole purpose of rethinking a different strategy for Canada and implementing it. The formation of the Council of Foreign Relations is just the first step but it will be the solid foundation on which our team of ambassadors will be formed in the future.


As the new world progressed we watched as Canada's economy remained closed and cut-off from the world. We invested a lot of effort into keeping our national dollar at a high price and we never thought twice about it> I think it is time we re-think our national economy. It is time we drop this isolation policy and open our markets to the wold. Currently our prices are ridiculous and they continue to go up. Intervention is needed. During my term I will work with my Financial team and hopefully lower the CAD to a value of aprox 0.025-0.026. I did the math and it seems that this value will best suit our economy. It will allow us to import goods easier and it will allow our markets to export to different countries. The market will feel some trembles for a short period of time but in time as it will adjust it will grow stronger and more reliable. What does this consist from a purely game-mechanics point of view? Printing a large sum of CAD and slowly converting it into gold so that we make the CAD drop in value, I want to do this slowly so that people don't lose entire fortunes over-night. As this will be done we will move to phase 2 of the plan, dropping our import taxes on all markets to 10-15%. This may seem a little drastic but consider that foreign investors will have to sell a whole 13% cheaper in our markets in order to be competitive. With this kind of policy and a 15% import tax we stand to make a lot more money then we currently do, we drop the prices in Canada to a healthy standard and we also keep our own companies protected.

Baby Boom and Education

I have to admit I am not a believer in a baby boom myself anymore but I have to agree that we need a way to keep our newest citizens informed and ready to go. That is why my team and I will analyze the message new players receive when they register and provide an adequate setup for it with proper links to the various mentorship programs out there, charities as well as the forums, IRC and the really good tutorials. To quote what I said on a previous date, a baby-boom cannot be achieved unless the community is united or you are a millionaire in real life. Since we are lacking the second option, I think if we want to boost our ranks we need to work together, united so we can come up with plans, ideas and then put them in action. For example: one of my plans is a Facebook campaign associated with an ongoing forum campaign. This won't bring us a baby-boom but it may bring us a few good people in our ranks and each and every one of them is worth the effort!

Unity and Prosperity

Like I said at the beginning, my main goal this month won't be to achieve military greatness or get 3000 Gold in our bank, my main goal this month will be to create a secure government, a government capable of uniting Canada, uniting the new with the old, uniting the CAF with the TCO, uniting Canadians under the same banner. This will indeed be one of the hardest goals I have ever attempted to reach in this game but it is one I will gladly try to accomplish. My first plan would be to create a governing team that will represent all sides of Canada. This cabinet would be mostly formed by advisory positions designed to get one opinion or another closer to my view and closer to achievement. But unity doesn't stop at a diverse cabinet nor it should. I plan to be a representative for all Canadians, no matter their political allegiance or their membership in a group or another. Uniting a land means listening to every opinion or concern citizens may have. I will try to be impartial, forget my party membership, forget the fact that I am a CAF officer and just do my best for this country.