A Day... Kinda Like Any Other

Day 576, 11:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hai Guise 😃

Another edition of "The Travels Of Elfington" has reached the shore today!
Don't you just love the name 😛 Subscribe solely for the name!! 🙂

Anywho... Today we begin a battle with the Irish. Is it a real war? A training war? Or just a lulz war? We don't know. Well I don't anyway 😃 Which to be frankly honest is rather worrying as I'm an under minister in eUK's foreign affairs 😃
Isn't is all funsies?

The Navy and Royal Guard have launched their united recruitment offensive with success the size of an angry elf. And not Santa's elves. Real, big elves. I wonder off topic far too often... =S
Anyway I encourage you all to sign up. For fun, adventure and general lulz.
The Navy is the place to be 😃

Campaigning for congress has become the latest fad of players with the parties deciding on where to place their respective candidates. Many newish players are deciding to stand and good luck to them. I would however urge all congress candidates, no matter e-age to sign up and become active on the eUK forums

Good luck to all and hopefully the best candidates will get through 😃

This is actually all I can think of for now...
So toodles! 😃

Lord of Elfington Manor (can I get more cheesy?)