A Changing eWorld

Day 1,981, 22:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChrisJF

Hello Ireland! When's the last time you looked at a map of the world? Well, if you have recently, I bet what you saw then is different than it is now. The world around us is changing fast, eIreland. Here are a few of the changes in a nutshell:

Countries Rebelling
Nations worldwide are rebelling against their oppressors. South Africa and Argentina fight for freedom from Brazil. Canada and Portugal strive to be free of Spain. Turkey has finally thrown off Polish rule while they were distracted elsewhere. Lets help our allies that are still occupied to fight back!

Continuing the War
Well, it happened. The British are back on our island, and they want revenge for our earlier victories. With Poland backing them, this will be a hard fight. But not one we can afford to lose. Northern Ireland and Louth have fallen. Dublin could be next. Keep fighting eIreland! Push them back across the sea!

A World Divided
With the collapse of EDEN, and the eUSA joing the Circle of Trust, relations between TWO and CoT are at an all time low. The world is splitting into two sides. In the worldwide conflict that seems to be upon us, what side will eIreland take?

Shout Out for South Africa
I'm writing this for some friends I have in eSouth Africa. They need help against Brazil, and they need it bad. Every day they fight resistance wars just to keep from being completely occupied. If they are to be free like we are, they need our help, and that of our allies. The same for all other occupied nations.

Rough times are coming, eIreland. Are you ready?

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