A Call to CC Leadership

Day 800, 12:40 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I'm tired of this country and its citizens sure we could continue fighting them tooth and nail every week. For what really 750 CAD we don't need and some kind of legitimacy that we already have with each other.

I think we should seriously consider liquidating everything and moving to any nation but here. We are at a time of war but most of the people here don't want or need us around. I say we finally give them what they want. We could do much better away from this nation I think in the end. Lets move the whole operation to Australia for example. Less elitists to deal with.

Tamas is a high up official CAF member and I have never seen him once disciplined concerning his public out bursts towards us. I realize thats the a hypocrite thing to say as we are blowhards ourselves. But the CAF claims to cherish and abide by this thing they call there code of conduct.

Tamas is to be seen for what he has been for the last few months. A CAF attack dog. It wouldn't surprise me if he had orders to attack us or at the very least was givin pats on the back behind closed doors.
The CAF follows and enforces there CoC when and where they see fit can be my only conclusion and maybe Tamas hasn't been directed but he sure as hell isn't being enforced like I would expect him to be. By a so called group that loves following its own doctrine.

I'm posting this in public and I mean it. If CC debates its decision i may consider leaving on my own. Sure we got busted on a rant. But thats all it was. Its been explained in congress well. But we'll be dealing with its after effects by CAF and political attack dogs for months. I really don't want that distraction and would prefer to concentrate on military matters. So its why I suggest a permanent move.

If it is decided we stay we should seriously consider replacing me as leader of The Crimson Order. I don't have the nessary diplomatic tact to run this group effectively any further in this nation.

As always CC I ask for your advice in this matter. Talk me down or agree with me. Just leave intelligent comments on our forum for us to debate.

Leader of The Crimson Order