A Call for Cooler Heads

Day 1,572, 14:37 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

The eCanada media is rife with passionate opinions on a very combustible topic these days.

Pardons. Bribes. Past wrongs. Treason!

All these topics designed to tantilze and inflame our emotions. So much emotion. It oozes from every aspect of eCanada these days.
Emotion is important. It creates and strengthens the bonds that keep us in this game. Many of us have bonded over past events in this game. Watching eCanada burn at the hands of PEACE. The subsequent resistance that first liberated and then crushed PEACE. The loss of important players to real life (and even some lost from there too). These are a few events that have bonded me to members of the eCanada community.

During the dark days while eCanada burned, emotions ran high as well. The Crimson Order was birthed in that cauldron of emotion. Those involved in the conception of the group generated strong feelings those days too. They had been shunned by much of the established community for their perceived crimes against eCanada. Despite that emotion eCanada managed to regroup and return more focused than ever.

What saved us you ask?

It was reason that saved us. Cool, calm, measured reason. Both Congress and the Executive were able to keep cool heads and work with our allies to rebuild and thrive. Starting from the top post, Jacobi oozed confidence and calm, measured reason. Groups put their differences aside and were able to work together for the betterment of the community.

I miss that lack of reason these days. People seem more motivated to prove points and settle scores than they do to build a community. We all need to return to our respective corners and take a breather. Take off our gloves and put down the internal fighting.

Let’s make an effort to understand what’s causing the emotion surrounding the Rolo issue. Everyone involved needs to figure out how then can make peace with their anger and put it behind them.

If not for the betterment of eCanada, then for its survival.