315 Days Later

Day 2,003, 03:45 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I've just recieved word from an international source that I cultivated while president of a super Alliance forming to have 4 of the worlds superpowers maintain 100% resource bonus and cow the world.

There an elitist breed all right and there's already talks of taking on both ONE and EDEN one in each hand after TERRA falls to the wayside buring.

Were talking USA-Brazil-Poland-Spain here.

A complete turn around to all the old alliances and friends.

I've just now recieved the some of the charter being debated on. As Follows. I wish I had more but my source had to log

1) Mission Statement
-The codename Next Alliance Project (herein referred to as N.A.P) brings together nations from several parts of the world under one banner to ensure the economic prosperity and national security of its member nations.
- As a side benefit of ensuring the prosperity of all N.A.P members,

-N.A.P also seeks to reduce the game’s current focus on Balkan-centric conflicts. N.A.P. plans to accomplish this by avoiding the distraction of perpetual wars between intractable rivals, and instead focusing on long-term, highly-strategic campaigns.

2) Member Nation Roster

3) 5th member TBA

4) Leadership Structure
-N.A.P shall employ both a Security Council and a system of Supreme Generals/Commanders.

-The Supreme General shall be the head of the alliance, and will be elected democratically by the official members of the alliance. The SG shall appoint her or her own Supreme Commanders and deputies. This group shall run the day-to-day operations of the alliance, including but not limited to: priority setting, RW support, etc.

The Security Council shall consist of a representative from the original four core nations (US, Spain, Poland, and Brazil) plus a representative from one of the other countries who make up the alliance. The 5th representative shall be determined on a rotating system where one country gets to choose a representative for a month, then another country, and so on and so forth. The Security...

-...Council representatives may either be a citizen of the country, or the President of the country. People holding foreign citizenship for comune reasons will not be excluded from this. The Security council has the right to veto any vote made by the general election process (see section 5.) However, their veto can be overruled by a revote

5) General Election Process
-Alliance decisions such as SG voting and removal, member additions and subtractions, membership punishments, and any thing else deemed necessary at a future date, shall be determined by a vote by the official alliance member Presidents (or a representative should the CP be unable to make it.)

-Alliance member additions shall pass only with a 51% majority.

-Alliance member removals shall pass only with a 67% majority.

-Alliance member punishment (such as temporary HQ removal) shall be determined by the Security Council, and will pass by a 67% vote in the general elections

-SG voting shall pass based on who has the most votes, just like in a CP election.

-SG removal shall pass only with a 67% majority.

-Overturning a Security Council veto shall pass only with a 67% majority

So what does this mean for Canada and the world. Were America's hat and have obviously been viewed as such being left outta negotiations. All the old allies have been left to rot for USA's gain.

My personal opinion is I don't negotiate from a position of weakness and won't take a lackey position because big brother says so. I'd rather go down fighting honor and glory fighting for what I believe to be a sell out.

I'll fight to the last territory and just before the wipe I'll say what are u waiting for I have a guerrilla war to organize.

Elections are tomorrow and I would like to lead us into the oncoming strife because believe me its coming. This S*** has already gone to 24hr vote for the above 4 nations

I would only join as a full member and outside of that we play second fiddle to no one. Canada has balls and honor. I'd go down fighting and be a pain in the ass fighting till the last man rather than copitulate.

All I can say is me and mine are already in place with my international connections and i ask u have faith for another term to make sure we get the best of what this possible forming foretells.

USA makes its stance


Final Thoughts

As a strong willed non negotiating president short term this decision was hella fun but wrong and handled as such. Long term it didn't serve our needs and we should and still should attempt to stick to USA's ass like glue as were the Tonto to the Lone ranger in this regard. If we had gone along like the loyal USA sidekick we always were we would have there protection now.

What was decided at the time was bold and made us think highly of ourselves for taking the high ground sticking to those who would be F@@cked by this. In the end and even as we see now many nations are not willing to walk the difficult road of sticking to there guns and defending what used to be right. Alliances evolve and nations are putting themselves first no matter the cause. Germany is the New UK.

One thing that can be said is that Canada has balls and yanked those babies up into the faces of our enemies no matter the cost.

I may be remembered as a bad president by many but i'll always remember myself as the one who walked Canada down the hard uphill paths and fought all the way kicking and screaming and enjoyed every minute. It took more than one war to take us down. My only regret was wally cleavering it from time to time.

From my perspective TBH with custody battles still ongoing and crimnal matters recently closed only few are privy to it had to be done. When I went silent you can damn well bet it was for a reason.

Hindsight I might kiss some ass and our resources that war coulda been used better. But in the end damn was it fun and that'll be my footnote in eRep history. Love me or hate me you'll remember me.

Jury's still out on Asgard.

My party has evolved beyond me I was outta the loop for 4 months. I need something to get me back in the game and active and canada doesn't need me or want me. This isn't a cry to asked to stay, more or less a cry to say Don't blame me for moving on to try something else.

I'm out Canada Ima head to USA and ST6.

Venerable and Zappie.

Nuff said.

There the men. We owe them our first born for services rendered and they really deserve the highest honors this country has to offer. We lost the wars in the end but these 2 made it close.

I owe Venerable a personal apology for being a douche the last 10 months. It is given earnestly. Ima still you to piss off now.

Reread the comments from then


Closing Remark


I play the Violin and my daughter is learning the piano and were so gonna duel this. Its a piece if sh@@ baby piano but its hers she'll learn.