[WTPD7] Vote for a REAL Congress!

Day 3,016, 18:24 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Your WeThePeople Congress Primaries are open!

It’s going to be one hell of a Primary season, with a record 14 candidates having signed up for the primaries. That being said - we still need more blockers for ingame! (Signup). So;

The goal for WTP this month is 100 votes, a third place finish and - roughly 10 elected Congress Persons. 

So far we have two inspiring numbers, giving us great faith in a 100 votes result. Those numbers are firstly, a 30% jump in voter participation in our ingame PP vote - 67 votes cast this cycle,only 33 below what we need for our 100 vote goal. Second, we went from 6 people signing up to run last month to 14 - Over a doubling of participation. There is a undeniable new spark in the party. However - I make a point of not overselling ourselves. The long climb back to 3rd place finishes for our party isn’t determined by numbers - nor is it the only goal.

The reason we want to do well in Congress is to excercise a reality WeThePeople accepts about it. Reality: Congress is broken.

There’s no sugarcoating it. Congress, as an institution, is broken and irrelevant compared to its intended purpose. It is holed up on a Forum without any real ties to the ingame. We see evidence of its detachment in the “robust public debate” that surrounded the 25% Work Tax. That is to say, there was no robust public debate - it was a decision made on the forum that “Represenatives” made without having any pulse on the community. We see that from how many people left after the tax increase and how quickly it was then lowered, when brought back ingame for a vote.

This isn’t me saying there’s anything wrong with a forum - I’m in favor of Congress on a forum. This is me saying what is common sense in WeThePeople, and in all political parties to varying extents - when you place a group of political players in an environment detached from the community that brought them there, you will see political decision making rather than community decision making. Which in turn leads to more divisions, like the ones that have so recently plagued our Congress: The partisanship of the Resoula term, for instance, was horrible.

We’re to believe that this is the norm - Congress on forum, community ingame. Choice, complacent players preaching diviseness in Congress, tearing up our communities and then getting away with it because what they said was on a forum instead of here where they have to face their voters.

When you elect ANY of these WeThePeople Congressmen come the 25th, you are rejecting that. Why? Because this is eAmerica. And in our eAmerica, better is always possible.

So yes, WTP, we want numbers. And that’s what the rest of this article is about, really. But moreso this is our Insurgency against Complacency - WTP, alongside its colleagues of good faith, will not settle for a detached, irrelevant and divisive Congress. Your vote in the primaries, your vote here on this article and your vote ingame come the 25th will turn that WeThePeople ideal, into a reality.

A series of regular updates follows.

WTP Retention is tackling its first project: Assembling the Welcoming Committee.
We need 5 players to help welcome newfriends to the WTP community ingame. Time commitment is minimal, roughly 10 minutes per day. Want to help grow the next generation of Peoplers? Message Disco Musolini - Retention Director for WTP. We’re aiming to get this fully staffed by the 26th.

WTP Retention is also looking for a Deputy. Want Exec degree training? Better yet, want Hale26-Exec degree training? Sign up here.

WTP Political has a great series of announcements. First off: Come the 25th, Tanks4Voting will be back. Secon😛 We are launching the “Congress Supporters list” briefly. Commit to vote on the 25th and receive another 5 tanks!
WTP Political is planning a messaging campaign the likes of which we haven’t seen in a long, looong time to support our 14 WTPers in their journey to Colorado. Keep apprised of your PMs and support them there!

WTP Congress will be beginning open consultations with the party and its candidates, ingame and out of game, on our goals this coming session. We are a party founded on the values of fairness and inclusion - no matter what the result of these discussions is, we intend to challenge complacency based on those core populist values. Watch the Shoutfeed (and your inbox) for more!

Personal notes.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Congressman and now Secretary of Defence (#startedfromthebottomnowwehere), The Main Character (Senryaku). I got in touch with Sen after I saw this. I identified a lot with what he was saying, as many of us here would - the game’s stale and unfortunately, that produces burned out and lost players. I sent that PM thinking I was giving my best wishes for rl. Instead, largely (rea😛 completely) thanks to RG, Sen was interested in WTP. And now - he’s walked accross the floor and joined us as a proud member of our Congress delegation, currently competing inside the WTP Primary for another mandate. Welcome to the Insurgency Sen o7.

I also want to congratulate Hale Kane, personally, on taking over USAF CO. In my past game experience I was a pretty hardcore USAF Officer - I served with AF Officer Corps for half a year at least, CO for 2 months. AF had an amazing officer corps, a lovely set of soldiers who appreciated us and got real results for the taxpayers who funded us. I’ve had experience working on assignment for the Exec too, in the evaluation and eventual restructuring of Rogue Squadron. So when I came back to USAF, post-merger, and saw how different the Officer Corps culture was…it was pretty sad, not gonna lie. Because great teams are what makes this game worth playing - a good officer is worth more to a newfriend than food ever will be. It isn’t easy to step down as SoD, roll up your sleves and put your own reputation on the line to fix things. That’s the exact opposite of complacency. And I respect the f*** outta that. Gl to you and the entire corps. WTP stands behind you o7.

That’s all for this update. Remember to VOTE, SHOUT, ENDORSE and INSURGIO~*


*For our newfriends - INSURGIO~ means to rise against. As in, revolt. Like, now. Against something. Preferably complacency. Yea, go with complacecny.