【外電翻譯】What happened to our game?(這遊戲到底是發生什麼事了?) --- 中英對照版

Day 2,151, 13:11 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by slps

Author(作者):Don Croata
Original article link(原文連結):What happened to our game?

Hello eWorld, I'm writing an article on english today, because I'd like to hear opinion of other people worldwide and hear the possible solutions for the problem currently killing every community in this game - boredom.

E世界的各位好,我會用英文寫這篇文章是因為我想聽取來自世界各國玩家的意見,並找出可以解決現在快要讓這個遊戲崩潰的因素 --- 也就是無趣。

How did we end up in situation like this one?

There's many contributers who led the eWorld to the current situation. It's firstly Plato, who almost killed communities, who killed way of fighting we had in V1. For those who never played V1, we had wall there too, but we could have see total damage and damage needed to win the battle, to turn the wall. We didn't had this kind of health, you could fight only once per day, well you could fight twice, but then you wouldn't be able to fight tommorow twice. It was called "kamikaze" when someone fight twice in one day. In order to win battle you had to organise your troops, you had to organise whole country, you had to design community to be ready to hit when it's most needed. That was the reason a lot of people grouped themselves on IRC channels, hang out together. Because, alone no one could win a single point, you could only waste your health by fighting alone. That kind of military module was awesome for communities because everyone fought for each other and their country. The game went from group to individual mode and it was devastating.



Today, Plato is offering us module in which you have to build your own account and rely on yourself, because it almost doesn't matter are you fighting alone or together with your comrades. This module made a lot of people leave the game, because they haven't felt the passion you feel while fighting together in some battle. Perfect example of what I'm saying would be this battle.Hello Kitty, the epic battle of V1.
現在柏拉圖給我們的戰爭模組讓我們只能專注在自己帳號的成長,在戰場上也只能依賴自己,因為不論你是單兵作戰或是接受指揮並不會對戰場造成多少差異。這個戰爭模組讓很多玩家離開這個遊戲,因為他們無法感受到過去那種在戰場上為彼此付出的熱情。最好的例子就是在eDay 890發生的黑龍江之戰

Putting that aside, countries were also able to use tactics a lot more, you could retreat in a battle so countries could move really fast through the map, everyone were searching the way to go somewhere and fight for its alliance. It was truly the great time of eRepublik. Today, only design is better in military module.

But, I wouldn't agree it's all Plato's fault. Even with this new modules we had some interesting times and we could have a great time here, even use tactics more and have chance to win or lose battle, something we don't have in today's disbalanced eWorld. Who's guilty for that? People. We have different kind of peoples in RL world and it looks like those greedy leaders get on power in many countries. eSerbia is the world power no.1; it's obvious and there's no reason not to say that. eSerbia can win battles with few of their best friends alone. But that wasn't enough for them, they wanted total domination. It all started with ONE, it supposed to be super-alliance with super-powers of eWorld. Spain, Poland, Serbia, Hungary and Macedonia, when you add some smaller but very strong countries to this list you get truly strong alliance. But they wasn't able to win so many battles, they wasn't able to have total domination, why is that?

In my opinion they didn't had the good motivation and team cohesion. They wasn't friends, they weren't brotherhood. They openly said they are together only for power and mutual gain. On the other side there was EDEN, old alliance made of countries who haven't went for power together with SPoland (Croatia stayed because of Greece and Romania in EDEN even though we had invite to join ONE, how ironic is that looking today?).EDEN was organised perfectly and EDEN countries fought for each other strongest they could, we was outnumbered, but our soldiers tanked more.

When ONE countries realised they won't be able to rule the world they just found TWO, hoping that alliance could change their faith. And they were successful in it. Why? Because some "new" people came on power in Greece, Romania, Argentina and other countries associated with EDEN, they thought if they all change side then maybe they will be the ones who dominate the game too. It was greedy and selfish from them, leaving many of their friends alone and most important - killing the game.

EDEN had its issues too, eCroatia wasn't active enough to stop this happen, we were passive and we just observed the situation. EDEN accepted Turkey which led to a lot of dissapointments between its members. I personally, knew this will happen, that was the reason I was so much against Turkey joining EDEN, this had to happen. Soon after that CoT was founded and alligned with TWO, that was the start of process of killing the game. EDEN couldn't fight alone for more then 1 year and it was finally dissolved. After that we all know what happened. TWO and CoT got in war and when countries had to pick their side they've choosed the stronger one - TWO. I can't understand why would someone who have the chance to change the game and make it more interesting do that, but obviously those countries have their reasons. Power hungry and greedy leaders are the ones who should be blamed for that.
當然EDEN也有自己的問題,而克羅埃西亞在當時並沒有努力去阻止問題的發生,我們在那時選擇扮演一個被動且冷眼旁觀的角色。EDEN接受土耳其入盟在使許多盟友對聯盟感到失望。當時我個人認為土耳其入盟會造成這個後果,而這也是我當初如此反對的原因。而就在CoT成立並與TWO合作後,這個遊戲就開始慢慢走向毀滅,EDEN無法單獨對抗這兩個聯盟,而在不到一年的奮戰後,EDEN就分崩離析了。而接下來的情況就如大家所知道的,CoT跟TWO之間開始起衝突,而當許多國家必須開始決定立場時,他們決定加入較強大的一方 --- TWO。我無法理解為什麼有玩家在有機會讓這遊戲更有趣時卻做出這種選擇,但很明顯的他們有自己的理由。對權力的渴望以及貪婪的領導者必須為這結果負責。

So we have two factors which led to current situation. Not only Plato, it's not all his fault.

What can we do to stop this?

I'm really not sure anymore. The reason I was playing was to help my allies and my country, I lost almost all allies and one reason to play this game. Now, even if those old allies ever come back it won't feel the same. I think eCroatian community is very sensitive and conservative, we dislike changes, we don't accept on them. But, we can't stay like this forever, we chosed to be on the side of underdog, to fight against TWO.

Now TWO recruited even more countries under their hat and it's impossible to fight them anymore. We have to admit defeat, but they have to admit we was honourable in this game. Maybe it's time for restart? Maybe we should let ePoland and eSerbia pick their allies one by one like on street football match? Serbia pick Hungary, Poland pick Spain, Serbia pick Slovenia, Poland pick Croatia? That would make the game interesting, but it's impossible solution if you ask me.

Maybe we should all just hope things between some TWO countries will went bad and there will be two clans over there who will fight for power between each other and then found two different alliance. It wouldn't be much different from the way I spoked about in last paragraph. It would certainly be more interesting. So let's all hope big head power greedy leaders decide to find some of their courage burried deep inside of them and make the game interesting again.

What are your thoughts and ideas? What you think it's needed to change the game and bring back the fun? Post your comment, vote this article and shout it, let's find solution together.