{W.W.N}- And So It Begins- U.S.A Declares War on Canada.

Day 1,702, 16:55 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Good evenin' ladies and gents, here are our headlines for today...


Colombian Forces Capture Port of Zulian
Peruvian Rebels Defeated On All Sides- Chile's Next.
Spain Formally leaves O.N.E, USA and Brozil sign MPPS.
Romanian Forces Grasp Victory in Crisana...Right ?
Spanish Forces Capture Port of Azores, Portugese revolution dies.
Greek Forces Liberate Sardinia
Italy Defeated in Campania..again.
Serbia Attacks South Dalmatia, Last Croat Stronghold in Peril
Bosnian Rebels Attack East Sprska Republic
Albanian Forces Attack Albanian Coast.
Bulgarian Soldiers Capture Aegean Coast of Turkey.
Arab Forces Start Second Revolution- Free Ha'il, attack Sinai, Al Riyadh
Fillipino Rebels attack Mindanao..again.
Australia loses Southern Australia, Attempts to Liberate Northern Territory
Thailand Declares War on India

Colombian Forces Capture Port of Zulian
Colombian Soldiers successfully captured the Venezuelan territory of Zulian today, giving the South American nation another weapon's bonus.
What is truly astounding about this war was that Colombia had half their nation occupied/under attack just a few days ago, with no hope in sight.
Seems like Colombia pulled itself together very nicely.

I think the Blue land and Black oil go quite nicely together, don't you ?

Peruvian Rebels Defeated On All Sides- Chile's Next.
As predicted in yesterday's Issue, Peruvian forces were defeated on both front's yesterday. This defeat was orchestrated by Argentine soldiers, and Bolivian rebels, who launched a dual attack on the Peruvian rebels yesterday.
Now that Peru is wiped, Bolivia is back on the map with 1 territory, with their ally (or master..I think Bolivia is under a passive PTO) Argentina occupying the rest of the nation.
In other news, Chile will again be Argentina's main enemy, now that the Argentine coalition is done in the North of the Empire.
We can expect an attack on Chile's only territory, Zona Sur, either tonight or tommorrow.
This will result in Chile's wipe, unless they win their resistance war in Zona Central. (Which they are losing 50-5)

Spain Formally leaves O.N.E, USA and Brozil sign MPPS.
Spain has formally left ONE in recent days, following failed alliance talks with Poland, Brazil, and America. Link to Formal Declaration
Though Spain has "formally" left ONE, they still have all their old MPPS from ONE, meaning that they're part of ONE. Technically.
On top of this, Spain was called out recently for distributing supplies to Serbia, a ONE nation, after they declared that they have left ONE.
In other news, Spain is going to sign successful MPP's with both Brozil and America. This has met understandable public resistance

Romanian Forces Grasp Victory in Crisana...Right ?
The Romanian Army has successfully fought off an intense Hungarian invasion of Crisana today, following Romania's weeks-long semi-occupation of the nation.
That being said, the victory has been called into question by Hungary, claiming Admins helped Romania win the battle.
Link to Article explaining Hungary's complaint

Spanish Forces Capture Port of Azores, Portugese revolution dies.
Spanish soldiers have captured the Port of Azores today, ending Portugal's revolution against Spanish rule. Though Portugese rebels have started a battle in Norte, it seems as if Spain will win this RW easily.
This will give Spain a border with Canada again. I'll let your imaginations go loose on that one.

Greek Forces Liberate Sardinia
Greek forces won their 5th consecutive victory against Serbia today, following their victory in Sardinia. With Italian forces holding the North-Southern Part of the Nation, and Greek Forces holding the South-Southern Part of the Country, Italy is almost back in TEDEN hands. (all that's left is Campania, which is being attacked by Italy)
However, Greek's luck fighting Serbia may end soon, with Serb soldiers attacking the last Croat Province of South Dalmatia.
If Dalmatia falls, Serbia will be able to get serious about war with Greece- Something they haven't been ever since the Greek Declaration of War.

Italy Defeated in Campania..again.
Italy's back at it again today, launching their 3rd attack on the Serbian held territory of Campania. If Italy win's here, Italy will have yet another food bonus in their hands, and all of Southern Italy liberated.
Er..well..they would have a food bonus if Italy's territories were connected to it's capital..which they are not. Luckily, there's a treaty in place over this. So Italy might just get a landbridge to their capital soon ^.^.
Please note- Italy is currently losing 2-1. (Figuratively speaking).

Serbia Attacks South Dalmatia, Last Croat Stronghold in Peril
As mentioned in the above articles, Serbia has attacked South Dalmatia, Croatia's last territory in their homeland. If Croatia loses this battle, Serbia will be able to target other members of the anti-Serb alliance. Primarily Bosnia, Greece, or Italy. On top of this, the Powerful Croatian army will be 10% less efficent when fighting Serbia thanks to the loss of NE.
Luckily, Croatia is currently winning the battle 52-36, giving TEDEN forces reason to hope.

Bosnian Rebels Attack East Sprska Republic
Bosnian rebels have attacked the East Sprska Republic today for the..er..4th time now ?
They are currently losing the battle 68-20.
Though many Bosnians are upset that their country is whole, it may actually serve to help the Balkan nation in the long-run.
I mean, all it would give them is a food bonus they don't need (they already have cows), and a border with FYROM. This loss won't do much to Serbia either at this point, since the Balkan powerhouse already owns a cow resource on it's homeland.
So my guess is that this is a damage drain.

Albanian Forces Attack Albanian Coast.
Everything looks grim for Albania right now, following a complete wipe by FYROM. Though Albanian forces are launching an attack on the Albanian Coast, it seems as if this will end in failure for the nation. Expect a long wipe on the horizon.
In other news, FYROM has proposed Greece as a natural enemy. The proposal is being voted down 20-7
God Bless those 20 souls, God bless them all.

Bulgarian Soldiers Capture Aegean Coast of Turkey.
Yeah- Bulgaria Soldiers captured the Aegean coast of Turkey, effectively occupying just under half the nation.
What can I say? The two rivals are at it again, and Bulgur's winning. Yippe <.<

Arab Forces Start Second Revolution- Free Ha'il, attack Sinai, Al Riyadh
Just a day after the Arab rebels defeat in Al-Riyadh yesterday, they're back at it again. Not only have the Arab forces mounted serious efforts to Liberate both Sinai and Al-Riyadh, they have also freed the territory of Ha'il.
As per usual, the Arabs have focused their assaults on Cyprus.
The Cypriot colonies in Saudi suddenly look a bit less comfortable.

Fillipino Rebels attack Mindanao..again.
Must I write a report on this ?
The rebels are back at it again, and like usual - They'll most likely be defeated.
That being said, it will be interesting to see how events play out in coming days, if Australia gets wiped. Because if the Aussie's get wiped, Indo can turn their attention up north to the Philippines. That being said, they currently would have no use for the extra colonies.
No pic to be provided for this. Trust me, you're better off without it. (See older articles for the pic, and you'll agree)

Australia loses Southern Australia, Attempts to Liberate Northern Territory
The Aussie's are in a tight spot today, following their lose of Southern Australia. This has cut Australia off from 2 of their bonuses. (Saltpepper and Grain.)
Though the Aussie's are trying to liberate Northern territory (Indo's link to it's Saltpepper), it seems as if they will be defeated.
In other news, the Kiwis are back at it again, launching an invasion of Victoria. Though the battle is close, it's still pretty early to be predicting how this will turn out.
But if the Aussie's lose, ONE forces would have taken yet another weapon's bonus from the nation.

-.-...did I ever mention how much I hate it when Australia goes to war. Why ? Because THIS happens. They're so big that you can't fit the whole thing into a single territory- level pic. Alas, that's why we have photo editors. The Blus lines represent the territories,and victoria is the red circle.

Thailand Declares War on India
Thai forces have attacked Tamil Nadu today, after declaring war on India.

So it Begins- America Declares War on Canada.
For those who do not know what's going on concerning this matter, i'll do a brief summary.
Canada proposed America as NE a few days ago, and President Evry responded with his own declaration within the hour. According to Rylde (Canada's CP), the congressman who proposed war was bribed 50,000cc to declare war. This amount was supposed to be paid by an unknown Congressman on our side of the border.
Once Rylde heard of the situation, the NE was quickly voted down, and Canada did not declare war on America. However, America's NE passed by 1 vote, meaning that we have declared war on Canada.

Some say this was an attempt by Rylde to make us lose our MPP stack, while others think it was just trolling. Some people even blame Evry for this, claiming that he and Israel Stevens provoked this war.

None the less, one thing remains. We are at War

Er...but all that aside, I only have one message to give. (Besides that American soldiers have attacked Manitoba).
Whether you support America or not on this, remeber..
It's just a game.
If you want to start a rebel movement, good for you. If you want to fight for America, good for you. Cause at the end of the day, we're all just role-playing. No need to bring any hate into this.
Well, that's all for this issue. Please Vote and Shout !
P.S- We have some plans concerning our subscribers in the future, so stay tuned for more !
P.P.S- I've written out the Special edition, and it'll be published tomorrow Morning.
P.P.P.S- We're still having the song competition, so the first one who post's their song in the comments will get it linked to in the next article.

And today's lucky winner is..

Discord, the Living Tombstone Remix !
Suggested by evaneggeman

Yes...a Brony won. Well, looks like we're all gonna join the herd for a few minutes today, lol. Brony or not, it's an okay song (pretty popish for me, but still good), so check it out !

Thanks for the suggestion evaneggeman!
And remember, this competition is open to everypony, so feel free to leave your suggestion in the comments.