(USWP)I'z be running fer da congress

Day 2,131, 13:26 Published in USA USA by DylanBAS

Fellow Murikans! It be that time of the month again where we pick the parties whose PP gets to decide who talks on the private congressional board of the forums!

But seriously, it is a vote that matters. These people decide most things, from taxes, to some ATO measures, to war, to pretty much everything else, go look it up, I'm not your info slave!
Anyway, I am asking something that will quite literally take one minute of your time. Log on, go to the elections page, and click the little box that says "vote" next to USWP. You have voted!!!

(You get to wear that sticker!)
I myself am completely biased of course given that I am running with the USWP, but you didn't see that did you, your eyes just skipped over that part(I'z know becuz of NSA spy cameras in yur house)

(Now that you've seen one, I'll have to kill you)
Now, away from the funnines, Now you get no pictures for the rest of the article as you have had your picture ration for the day.

My platform as a USWP candidate
1. Work tax shall not pass!!!(above 20%. 20% only for emergencies)
2. Work with allies to form a western wall against TWO(Like Canada and Mexico, have you ever tasted a maple margarita? Try one sometime!, so commands DylanBAS)
3. ATO article co-written by Congress: At least once during the term, an article will be published by congress with snippets from all willing and able congressmen who want to contribute a segment on their experience of ATO. To be fair, it will allow AFA congressmen to speak, but they will be marked as AFA congressmen in the paper.
4. ATO again: Establish a viable 5th party so that we can spread our numbers out enough to keep the AFA out of congress every month!
5. Only war with Spain until they call it off, try to end it ASAP so we can focus on Poland. If need be, we invade them for regions and regroup in Europe to attack Poland at a later date.
6. War with Poland. Poland will suck our AMERIBALLS! "We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"-Winston Churchill.

(I know I said no pictures, but this just had to be done)
7. We need to establish a budget line deducted from USAF supplies to fund combat orders. The money will be given to the USAF just the same, but will be donated into the MU CO fund. They will go to the SCI with a request to fund, and funding will go ahead. The budget line is yet to be determined.
Anyway, that's just my basic platform. I will publish an articles once a week informing the general public of my congress activities as to remain accountable. If you have any suggestions, feel free to ask and you will get a response within 5 days or less. And no, Ajay will not become president and I will not vote for silly PTO proposed measures.

In case anyone is curious(mind you curiosity killed the cat, ---> MAZZY!) my 5 gold will go to the CO fund being collected via donation.
That is my proposal. Hoped you liked it. Remember to vote USWP on the 25th for a great crowd.