[UKPP] Re-election.

Day 2,668, 20:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CrispyDragon

My friends in the UKPP I would like to take this moment to announce my bid to stand for re-election.

I would like to lead this great Party once more for the months of March to April and I would like to ask each and every one of you for that privilege.

The first question on your lips might be why stand for re-election?

It is a fair question and the are numerous answers to it. Firstly, I have enjoyed my time as Party President. I know there are those in the Political Module, both inside and outside, our Party that have found Politics in this game 'testing' to put it politely. It can burn you out, wear you down and yes, if you receive enough hate, it can be depressing.

I have not experience any of that. I have the same energy today as I did last month and I truly believe I can maintain those energy levels well into next month and beyond.

It's alaways Fun Time in the UKPP

With energy I have been sure to keep my promises from my first manifesto and executed with fairness, enthusiasm and passion.

Despite my detractors our Congress List was chosen with impartiality and integrity ensuring we had the best Congress out of all our competitors. Such was the calibre of our Congress my opponents where shamed into silence.

We also had the opportunity to democratically choose our Logo and through the mass-messages we have accomplished a greater unity between us all.

In fact I would go so far as to say that Participation from our members has increased over my term and it heartens me to see our members involved in all parts of eRepublik, from entry-level all the way to the pinnacle of our fair game.

This month has been a month of Progression and I intend to do the same if I am fortunate enough to be re-elected.

Progression, One Step At A Time

However, as much as I would consider my term a success I have not been without my critics, or detractors.

From the outright slanderous, to the downright comedic, there are those out there who would have you believe I have anything, but the Party's best interest at heart.

I will not be baited by them and turn my article into a 'you should vote for me because the other guy is a bad man' because that is not a valid reason to secure your vote at all.

In fact I welcome their criticism and the criticism of others, too. I am not shy of self-reflection and it is a good question to ask if there is another way to do things. It keeps me sharp, keeps me honest, keeps me focused on what is best for the Party and I thank them for that.

I ask you to vote for me because you believe I am the best Candidate for the job. If you do not, then do not fear casting your vote elsewhere. Only by working in true partnership can we achieve our potential.

I want to end by focusing on what I can bring to the term ahead if I am elected to power once again.

1. I will once again be ordering the Congress List through merit. I encourage each and everyone of you that wants to be involved to apply. Everyone will be given fair consideration.

2. Through my work I have identified the active clusters in the Party. I will continue to encourage and nurture this activity until it spreads wider in our Party.

3. The Mass-chats have had varying success. I will continue them as a means for the Party to be made aware of and discuss important topics in real-time.

4. Participation is still my number one priority. I will continue to reach out to those that want to be involved.

5. Media Presence will be a focus. I will continue to release articles periodically, and I aim to encourage others to do so as well.


1. Fun First term.
2. Success in every quarter.
3. My enemies keep me honest.
4. Continuous Progress ahead.
5. Vote CrispyDragon.

Vote CrispyDragon!