[UKGov] Meet the Ministries (November 2010)

Day 1,082, 19:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
This article talks about the ministries for the term of November 2010. Applications are now open, so go on and apply ASAP. Some of the links to the applications go to the page that mentions the positions, others go directly to the compose message to the minister, as they might not have their apps up yet. All links go to the eUK Forums, so be sure you are signed up there. All the ministries need your help, so what are you waiting for?

Ministry of Home Affairs

Minister: Kevy Shabado

The Ministry of Home Affairs deals with many domestic issues, and probably needs the most help. There are new departments this term such as retention and census, and many of your favourties such as media and Lulz (formerly known as Entertainment). This ministry is the right place for both new and old citizens, and they will need all the help they can get.

Ministry of Trade

Minister: Blaggard

The Ministry of trade keeps track of the markets, both domestically and internationally. This also includes (obviously) trading, importing and exporting. New this month, with collaboration with MoF, is the Small Business Association, which will help local business grow, along with our economy.

Ministry of Communications

Minister: Stefan1992

The Ministry of Communications focuses on three sections: Education, Wiki and Messaging. Education creates articles (such as this one) to get people informed. Wiki updates the eRepublik Wiki to make sure the best and most accurate information can be found there. Messaging directly communicates with the people via PMing.

Ministry of Profit

Minister: Rory Winterbourne

The Ministry of Profit focuses on making sure the government can use its resources as efficiently as possible. Ultimately, by living within our means, we can create a profit. MoProfit also takes a part in the Small Business Association, and guides new business owners into creating their own profit.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs

Minister: Valorum

The Ministry of Legislative Affairs deals with what happens in Parliament. This includes posting new proposed legislation up for debate, putting up the legislation to vote for and making sure all the procedures in Parliament are being followed.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister: keram10

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs gets in contact with other countries in hopes of improving our relations abroad. Ambassadors are needed to gather data on other countries, both in Phoenix and Eden. This includes interacting with other countries on their IRC and forums, and writing reports on the data that has been gathered, such as important events, battles, etc.

Ministry of Finance

Minister: Thatcher

The Ministry of Finance deals with the country’s currency and banks. This includes monitoring the monetary markets and the country’s gold accounts. As mentioned above, the MoF will collaborate with other economic-orientated ministries with the Small Business Association.

So go on, apply to these ministries today so we can have a better future tomorrow!

Minister of Communications –