[TB] So Many Thank Yous

Day 2,819, 22:47 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

The last few days have been quiet. The urgent pings, in game PMs, forum PMs, etc. They have all come to a stop. In eRepublik ( as in life) sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It is never fun to lose, however, rather than dwell on the agony of defeat, I would rather take a moment to say thank you. To my Cabinet: Thank you! You were the finest group I have ever had the privilege to work with. Your work ethic, common purpose, and enthusiastic approach was a joy to be a part of. In many ways you all reaffirmed my belief that the community of the eUSA is still very capable of great things. It confirmed that what we have in common is stronger than what divides us.

To the voters who placed their trust in me: Thank you. I know to many it would have been easy to dismiss me as a burnt out oldfag who decided to reach for old glories on a whim. Many of you took the time to listen and consider the platform that I presented. Bridging the gaps through inclusion, increased transparency, better communication both with Congress and with the community, and lastly actively looking for and seizing moments to make a difference on the world stage. I am obviously biased, but I believe that my team and I delivered those to the eUSA, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. Even in defeat I am proud of what was accomplished in July.

The last time I wrapped up my time as President of the eUSA I felt drained and tired. I told anyone that asked, “I am glad I did this, but I don’t ever see myself wanting to do that again,” This time around I think with the right team in place and the right set of circumstances I would gladly do this again. I have served as Speaker of the House 3 times according to the official records of Congress ( I only remember two, I must have blocked the last one out) Party President of the Federalist Party 5 times, and now Country President 3 times this last term was by far the most fun I have ever had while in a leadership role in eRepublik. Rather than feeling drained and tired I feel replenished and invigorated. I now don’t just believe that our community is worth saving; I know it. This community still has some soul.

Lastly I would like to thank the Federalist Party. I have said this before, but when I returned to the game I did not have big aspirations. I was curious about a gold mine Plato sent me an email regarding. I was not heavily invested in the meta my first time around, and had no plans to change that. It was the warm welcome of the then dynamic community the Federalist Party had that drew me in. Fed Awards, Fed Game night, Fed Radio, and more all pulled me irretrievably in. Now more than 2 years later I look back and all I can do is be grateful for a Party that has always supported me and helped me in my endeavors. I plan on taking my newly found time and renewed energy and giving it back to my Party. We are not what we were, but the last month has convinced me that great things can still be accomplished when a team is invested and engaged in a common purpose. So to sum up: Thank you Executive Team, Thank you eAmerica, and thank you Federalists!