[Punisher4PP] Taking back what belongs to us

Day 2,305, 09:13 Published in Canada Australia by Lawkee

Hello everyone,

I'm here to announce my candidacy for PP of the former CW/IW party, which is currently under a PTO. I don't feel the need to introduce myself and all, so i'll skip that part.

This party is under Rolo's PTO for a quite long time. He's a well known manipulator, and i'm here to stop his tyranny and return the party to its rightful leaders. For those who don't know, Rolo Tahmasee was a former President of eCanada and current Prime Minister (LOL) who stole literally thousands of gold from the treasury, and continued to harass eCanada for long time after paying his way to political power and slowly demoralizing and annihilating eCanadian society. His goal was to leave nothing but himself and his cohorts in the nation, and he partially succeeded. Many good people left the country and some left the game. The damage he made to our society is unrepairable.

It happened long time ago, but he's still doing it with the support from the MDP. They are eliminating all the parties who oppose the MDP with simply taking them over. This party was unfortunately one of them. The only purpose of this party now is to serve as his and MDP's tool, so they could reach their own demented goals (like renaming the party into Canadian ProgreSSSive Front, so he could steal some of the votes from the real CPF). What’s next? Endorsing Rolo/Rylde for CP for the rest of their eLives? eventho it’s funny, it’s very likely to happen.

The MDP and Rolo are enemies of the vibrant and diverse eCanadian community. They are undermining every social and political fabric of eCanada, they made a parody of everything that eCanada once stood for. Anyone with any sense of moral justice and common sense knows this. I won’t start naming all their crimes against this community now, because it would take a whole new article to cover them all. If you take a look back at the past,and at the present time, you’ll know what i’m talking about.

Let's stop their manipulations, and surgically remove the cancer called Rolo Tahmasee from this party, a silent killer of this country and its community. A self-proclaimed 'hero and patriot' who harassed us for a very long time with thefts, manipulations, PTOs and all kinds of crap. I know that my attempt is truly a difficult task, but i truly believe in what i say, and i believe we can make a difference, together.

I have a support from the true leadership of this party, and want to ask the membership of this party to support me as well in this endeavour. Let's say together, a loud STOP to their:






support Canadian Patriotic Resistance!

I believe in diverse community and different ideas, because that's the only right path for this country, a path towards prosperity of this nation and a great game experience for all eCanadian players.