[PREZ] Malaysia Fail: War Update

Day 1,160, 07:41 Published in Singapore USA by American Border Collie

As you can see, the impeachment of Fruitcommando has failed.

Given the current circumstances, and my optimistic outlook yesterday, I would like to state that our goal still remains: we will NOT be wiping out Malaysia.

As for the peace talks, I refuse to talk peace with a government run by Fruitcommando. I do not trust him and, if recent history is any indication, do not trust that he would be working for the good of Malaysia.

In the interim, we will be sticking to Rangeley's battle plan. Singapore will not attack or conquer Sarawak willingly. I urge all tanks and medal hunters to cease and desist fighting for Singapore in the battle of Sarawak.

Although peace talks have broken down, that does not mean this war will never end. I will be proposing peace as soon as I can for the sake of both Malaysia and Singapore. However, Singapore will continue to occupy Peninsular Malaysia indefinitely until we can speak with a different Malaysian government to discuss what terms will be had in peacetime. Most likely, this will be the burden of our next President, whoever that may be.

So, all in all, the battle orders are as such for the remainder of the war:
Fight to maintain Singaporean control of Peninsular Malaysia
Allow Malaysian control of Sarawak.

If you wish to fight in Sarawak, please purchase two moving tickets and move to Malaysia to fight for them. However, do not forget to fight for Singapore in the battle of Peninsular Malaysia.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post them in the comments.

Thank you very much for your help. We are working together toward rebuilding a stable Southeast Asia!