[Portugal Unido - Artigo NÂș767] - Contest: Earn 100,000cc with new year!

Day 5,132, 09:03 Published in Portugal Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

I have 11308 friends today!
In the next few days I will have more.
But at the end of the year I will erase all dead friends.
If you guess how many I'll be with on January 1st, you'll earn money.

The prize is 1000cc If you endorce this article you earn 1000cc + multiplied by the amount you endorce.

Exemple: "I think you will have 11.000 friends on January"

Without endorce you earn 1000cc.
With 5cc endorce you earn 5x1000=5.000
With 50cc endorce you earn 50x1000=50.000
With 100cc endorce you earn 100x1000=100.000

Comment with the number of friends i will have on day 1 of January!

56 players betting at moment.
You can see the sheet on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H4mXNvejQkWWlNvg0kpPiztWzi6tu7eQJz4nfT9aoQo/edit?usp=sharing