[個人啟示Personal]寫在選舉完結之前A few words before the end of the congress election

Day 766, 15:04 Published in China China by PsyLai

After I finished my dinner and logon eRep to view the latest congress election update, I saw the below Shout:

a總:"谁想投广西的xxxxxxxxxx的票请联系他,他是一个财主,毫 不怜惜地宰他吧"
"Please contact xxxxxxxxxx if you want to vote for him in Guangxi. He's a wealthy person and just don't hesitate to ask for benefits" (by A, Day766)

作為一個新玩家(Date of eBirth: D742),級別8時就一腔熱誠由e希臘回國,滿心要貢獻e中國(打工交稅、參戰殺敵 、辦報娛樂大眾、到現在參選國會),看到了以上一段實在令人憤慨。
Being a new player of eRepublik (Date of eBirth: D742), I went back to eChina since level 8 from eGreece in order to contribute myself to my motherland (pay tax for the economy, to fight in wars, create newspapers to entertain people, and even run for the congress). I felt outrage when I read the above Shout.

先不論提供甜頭換取選票合不合道德或是不是遊戲大勢這樣的一堆問題,我數一數全身,只 有7G又29CNY......作為一個有心貢獻e中國的窮新人我又如何能提供基本的 機票禮品來招待選民?是不是花不起錢的eC民眾就不該選參議會?這對所有的新人公平嗎 ?
Let's not discuss whether it is morally acceptable to give benefits in exchange for a vote, or whether does everybody do the same in elections. I just counted my pocket and found 7C and 29CNY. With the sum of wealth how could I provide the "basic" moving ticktes and gifts for my voters so that I could win and contribute myself in the congress? Is this fair for a newbie who cannot afford the cost to run the election?

對所有eC民眾公平公正的選舉機制存在嗎?我嘗試往eC討論區尋找eC憲法,但好樣沒 有一份正式的eC憲法為現有政府所採用。
Is there any mechanism to make sure that the election is a fair one? I tried to search through the offical eChina forum for the eChina Constitution but I failed to find a valid one.

我不禁心想:一個沒有憲法去跟從的政權,其施政還有任何規管嗎?其運作的透明度還有保 障嗎?
I can't help but think, "Can a government without a Constitution be properly monitored by its people? Can the running of such a government maintain its transparency?"

Just a quick example: are there any rules to follow to hire or fire a cabin member?

Lots of question marks, and I doubt I have any concrete answers

Originally I would just give a try to taste the atmosphere and process of congress election, so apart from my running for the congress declaration I had not proposed any policy

可是在這一刻,我向所有eC人民承諾:假若我當選,我會全力推動eC憲法的成立,為e C長久的政治架構定下基礎
But at this moment, I promise all eChina citizens: if I got elected, I'll push for the formal establishment of the eChina Constitution in order to lay a longlasting policital framework for eChina.

These are few words from the bottom of my heart.

P.S. @a總:你是一個好人,但並不是一個好政客
P.S. @a: you're a nice person but not a good politician

P.P.S. 讀者提供QQ訊息一則:"25日參加甘肅議員競選,提供往返機票禮物+Q3 面包或者0.4G,可詳談,有意支持者請聯系。"
P.P.S. A reader had provided the following QQ message, "Running for the congress election in Gansu, will provide return moving tickets and Q3 bread or 0.4G, offer negoiatible, potential supporters please contact me"

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