[PCP+WRP] Our Candidates

Day 2,165, 08:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Zaphod Beeblebrox IV

Once again, the dream team of the People's Communist Party and the Workers Rights Party are teaming up this congress election. Last month, we had a strong showing and managed to secure 6 seats. I hope we will do just as well this month.

As can be seen in our constitution here, the PCP is a party that has been united by our belief in equality, teamwork, supporting new players and democracy. Each one of members follow these values, and it is my pleasure to pick some of them to run for congress this month.

Main Candidates

1 - Commandante Ross

Calross has been playing the game for quite a few months now, and has been a congressman in the UK twice before. He is my Vice-President and has the perfect blend of experience and youthful experience that makes him perfect for congress.

2 - Dominic May

Dom is a new player and has just completed his first term as a congressman. He has impressed me with his activity and enthusiasm, and I think in a few months time he could be a major player in the eUK.

3 - Huey George

Huey is a very experienced congressman, and former speaker. He is a friend from ours at WRP. You can read more here.

4 - Sam010

Sam is an oldfag right back from 2008 who only returned to they UK last year. I like his no-nonsense, relaxed attitude to erep and I hope he will be able to translate this into becoming a fine congresman.

5 - Jan Svalbard

Another oldfag, I think it's fair to say Jan has been around the block a few times. A loyal PCPer since the very start, Jan has enough common sense and humour to do a great job as congressman.

6 - Mo Kushla

Another new player, Mo has just served his first term alongside Dom. A less outspoken individual, but no less competent. I believe that another term would do him wonders.

7 - Yossarian Afudyakno

Yossie served as 3 consecutive terms a few months back, and impressed me with his transparency. Hopefully he gets another term to show us how to be a model congressman.

8 - Grigor09

Grigor has never been a congressman before, and I'd like him to get the opportunity. He has recently started to get involved in discussions, and I hope this rise in activity will continue.

...and the rest
9 - LongshotZz - An experienced cabinet minister, lz asked to be further down the list to give new players a chance.
10 - yurigavin - Has already served 1 term, and would love another one.
11 - dante643 - Former ESO PP, who only recently joined the party.
12 - Asturias 66 - Another new member of the party, who has never been in congress.
13 - Zika Palikuca - Just slightly older than myself and has never been in congress.
14 - Julian Caesar - A former New Era Conressman, has gone slightly inactive recently
15 - Edward Vaughn - 5 terms served in congress previously.
16 - POON HANDLER - Surely the saviour of this party. 😛

Well that is our candidates, I hope you agree with my decisions for picking them and will vote for PCP&WRP on the 25th!

Before I leave however, I want to make a few points regarding the recent Congress vs. CP debarcle. Our candidates have been chosen to make informed, independent decisions on what will benefit the UK the most. There is no party whip here, however I do expect them to make intelligent judgement, rather than spur-of-the-moment decisions. Every decision is justifiable, and I expect ALL of congress to be able to justify each decision on each vote they make.

Remember if you don't like who you voted for, vote for somebody else. If you don't like any of the options on show, don't vote or even better, RUN YOURSELF. This is a democratic process and to complain is futile and pointless. You, after all, voted them in.

Thanks Comrades,
PCP Head of Sexy Times