[PCP] Congress Candidates and News

Day 2,347, 21:33 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Teppishc

Greetings all,

First up is congress for the month, our list of candidates is below and we have a great list as a party so most importantly vote PCP in todays election!

Unfortunately we had several congress candidates who were taken off the list due to stupid game mechanics; Jiminychristmas, Sam010, Kapten Johnson and Zaphod were all taken off the list (Zaphod is running through TUP).

The congressmen/women that we'll be voting for are in order below with brief statements:

Sir Rex:

"I would like to run for Congress to continue my push for social reforms and to push congress away from the yes/no bleating that occurs whenever the social dimension of the game is ignored. Also I look good in a suit."


"I want to represent the PCP in Congress as an active and loyal member of the party. I am trustworthy and dedicated to the party's core aims and ideology - a fair and equal society without social and economic exploitation. I am eager to push for more activity and awareness among the PCP's congressmen as well as communicate with the party more widely about the issues of the day"


"I would like to be a PCP congressional candidate as I would like to do my bit for the party and hopefully further its political agenda aswell as raising our profile and doing my bit for the UK. I also want to gain the experience so that I can one day hold a ministers office."


I have received no statement, but Apron's and experienced and trusted member who has promised his commitment. I'm sure he'll be great in congress.

Mark Bones Berry:

"Although I have played only a short while i'm online 95% of my waking hours due to working from the computer. I'm highly political in nature. I think i can bring a fresh view on things in terms of the party and further to the country.

For now I think bringing a newbies view on wheres hings need to be improved will be my greatest asset as well as my availability to get stuff done."

Luke Brafer😛

"first, if i get into congress, i will give the gold to NHS
second, i want to be in congress again. 😉
third, i will make some articles if you require so
fourth, i'm smart enough to be a good(b*d) congressmen."

Lord Bottomtooth III:

"Greetings fellow PCP members, I am Lord Bottomtooth III. I recently rejoined Erepublik after my 6 month leave from playing Erepublik. I used to be a citizen in eAustralia and also eUSA. During my time there I learnt many things about Erepublik and the many issues that face Erepublik. One of the main issues are PTO's, (Political Take Overs) a very common issue that usually is from Serbian citizens (who make up the majority in Erepublik). If elected into congress I will try and ensure that we are more careful in who we let in our country. I will try and see if we can get proper background checks on people and try and find a system to sort people with good intentions from the bad. Elect the Bottomtooth !"

Mrkalj Branko:



Because Jan

Also running are Azzi98 and Edward Vaughnm unfortunately I recieved no messges or statements from them but if anyone wants to run in the future get in touch with the PP at the time 🙂

PCP Quiz

The PCP quiz will hopefully be happening again this sunday so make it to #pcp on sunday evening to get involved, tanks to be won!

Alphabethis says: "I dont' like any PTO, any. Quizzes are fun, PTOs are not."

PCP Olympics

The PCP Olympics are still running, check out the latest event to win Q7's and maybe even have fun at the same time!
Event 10

TUP congress scandal

As most of you are probably aware, the TUP congress list has been taken over by the Dental Corps: [img]http://prntscr.com/3d79yn[/img]

The primary principles of the PCP are based around equality and representation. As such we find it regrettable that the members of TUP will be without congressional representation this month and wish them the best of luck in gaining a more representative congress list next month, if we can help at all get in touch 🙂

That's it for current news, either comment or PM me if you have anything to add or anything you want to do within the party 🙂