[心靈嗎啡Opiate]創刊號First Issue

Day 762, 12:51 Published in China China by PsyLai

致各位尊貴的讀者,《心靈 嗎啡》今日正式創刊!
To our dearest readers, The Opiate release its first issue!

讓我們輕鬆一點的開始.. ...
Let's start with a light story......

In the past,

有隻可悲的小鳳凰以為可以 控制Lion King......
The poor pheonix thought that the Lion King is under its control.....

不過我們的萬獸之王自有其 宿命......
But our unltimate King of all animals has his own destiny

今日,Lion King已經自主了,下一 步呢?
Now, after the liberation of Lion King, what's next?

Hello Kitty Land!

探子回報,在匈奴的控制下 ,他們的人民在做著各種古 怪的事......
Our spy had reported that under the Hungarian control, people there do all sorts of weired things:


生產吉米限量版武器 (Q1-Q5)
Producing Hello Kitty Limited Edition Q1-Q5 weapons

......你看他們哪一 班怪胎有多自豪!
.....you see those weirdos are so proud of using them!

And their army.....

他們甚至有Hello Kitty坦克.....
They even got Hello Kitty tanks.....

But so what?

我國的特種女兵會與從荷里 活來的朋友共同作戰,趕走 匈奴!
Our specially dressed female army will join our US friends from Hollywood to wipe them off!

Hail eChina!
Hail eUSA!