[Northern Ireland] Thank You

Day 586, 09:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Sup y'all 🙂

Well, as you may know I have been elected to congress here in Northern Ireland

Finishing second due to CertaCito's superior XP in the NI elections and fifth in the overall eUK elections I am extremely proud to be representing you and that so many people in Northern Ireland turned out to vote for their favoured candidate, no matter who he was 🙂

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me, and everyone who voted for anyone. I'm glad so many people voted because it means you have a say in the running

What have I done so far as your congressman?

-Well so far I have voted in all the proposals
-Took part in the debates raging through the HoC
-Got to know my fellow congressmen and women so we can work better together
-And I have begun attempting to rebuild the NI senate, and am now just awaiting my fellow NI congressman to grace me with their presence on the NI forum

So once again, thanks for voting for me and I hope I can make you happy with your decision 😃
