[NAZ4POTUS] Striking a New Match

Day 2,958, 10:31 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

I have been honestly contemplating this since my return to activity. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would be fully up for it, but finally there comes a time where you have to make a decision. After a bout of inactivity, and then a sudden revival, I have decided what course I should be taking once more. I suppose it’s about that time. I was spurred once more into action given the chaos continuing to evolve around us.

In the past few months I have been writing more, I served once again in Congress, and I have served as Gnilrap’s Secretary of State this month, fully able to return to form and enjoy some international politics once again. Despite enjoying the return to work, the month was filled with infighting, blacklisting, and revolution. I don’t think that many will say it was a month that we would want to repeat. When I left office in January of 2014, we were starting on a great course for our country. After an experiment with Sirius, we came to form our own alliance, Pacifica, which has lasted and increased its strength since its foundation. The eUS has performed beyond my expectations, so much so that people have become bored with our success. We can be great in this moment, however; all is not as it should be. I cannot condone continuing this degree of separation, and I want to work once more towards a national reconciliation and refocusing.

I am announcing my run for President of the United States for January 2016.

With potential alliance shifts on the horizon we must fully prepare ourselves, and continue to increase our standing in the world. We must ensure that Pacifica is strong enough to face these challenges and remains a cohesive and cooperative group. We must also ensure that our external interactions benefit not only our nation but our alliance as a whole. Our domestic situation is continuing to unravel, and we must repair the bonds of our community once more so we can focus outward rather than fight inward. We must repair and strengthen our domestic institutions that focus upon the health and education of our newer players, as these continue to fall by the wayside. We must begin again to educate and show new arrivals the best ways they can contribute. The game might be dying, but the community within it remains strong, determined, and active. The recent controversies are proof that people still care deeply about the future course we take. I come back at an interesting moment, one that I have seen before and had to deal with. We stand at a crossroads. We can continue our decline domestically and stand stagnant internationally, or we can begin to rebuild what we deserve and what we are capable of accomplishing.

I will put this out front so there is no confusion: I support the defensive dictatorship. I know that last election was seen as a referendum on this issue, but even with popular support the law stands until congress undoes it, and I will not support action that is against the authority of our legislative branch of government. There continues to be no consensus on the issue that every party can be satisfied with. That being said, I do not believe that our policy disagreements should continue getting in the way of working together for the national benefit. I do not support our differences in ideology evolving into personal disputes and civil war. To those of you who may disagree with the dictatorship, I cannot promise a reprieve, nor can I promise a change of heart in my stance. I cannot promise to eliminate partisan divides in our country.

What I can promise is that you will not be left out of the discussion. What I can assure is that you will provide valuable support to our nation. I genuinely want to see outsiders come in as well, because I think they have a lot to offer and we need new blood replenishing our ranks. However, I cannot welcome the continuation of openly breaking and disregarding laws, no matter their origin. A majority of the in-game elected congress voted to keep the defensive dictatorship, and I recognize the authority of the democratically elected congress. Some of you may say you do not recognize the authority of “meta-laws”, but this is how I and many others play the game. We cannot survive as a country without external organization. On the other hand we cannot simply bar a portion of the community indefinitely and expect things to change. Restriction has diminishing returns and I can already see cracks forming on what used to be considered a firm consensus. What is worse is how these conflicts begin to evolve into personal character disputes, which goes beyond simple political disagreement and ventures into territory no one wants to see continue. Eventually, a choice will have to be made on whether or not to continue the separation. Our choices as I see it are to reform the community as it stands or sit back and watch it continue to crumble beneath us and let loose our chance for greatness.

To recap: my campaign is focused upon increasing our international presence and strengthening our domestic focus. It sounds remarkably similar to the platform I pushed two years ago, which makes this fairly familiar to me. I may not be a completely new candidate, but I am one that cares about the tasks laid in front of us. I also deeply care about the fabric that holds our community together, however tattered and loose it may have become. We should not be driven by personal divisions and ideological disputes. We should not be destroying ourselves from the inside. Too much time is spent dwelling upon the divisions in our community. We should be striving to improve ourselves in the world and at home. We should be actively working to rebuild our community. This is our moment.

I will be updating more in the next few days on my cabinet and my plans. If you wish to contribute in anyway, simply send me a message and we’ll begin the conversation. I look forward to hearing more from all of you.