[MoPR] Congress Guide for New Members

Day 2,440, 19:07 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

Congratulations to everyone who won a seat in the latest round of Congress elections! It was truly a historic elections and we have also seen a record amount of new players elected to serve for the first time. This Guide is meant to be a Guideline for new members to ensure that they get the best experience as possible out of their new role.

Please read over everything to ensure that you familiarize yourself with not just the official game rules for being a Congress Member, but the rules outlined by Norway for being a Congress Member.

Duties of Congress Members:
-Voting on proposals proposed by the President.
-Propose laws
-Accept citizenship requests

-Congress Members will receive "Alerts" in their notifications telling them of new proposals that need to be voted on.

Change of Citizenship:
-A Congress member is unable to change citizenship without resigning, as you can only be a member of a political party (subsequently a Congressman) of whichever country you have citizenship in.

Citizenship Rules:
Please note that Norway has a strict Immigration Policy. All people applying for Norwegian citizenship must go through the proper procedure first which includes being voted on by the Norwegian Congress. At no time are you allowed to accept citizenship requests without them first receiving a majority vote on the forums. Failure to follow this rule will leave you being blacklisted from the entire Norwegian community as well as you being unable to run in any future elections.

IRC and Forums
Registering at the Norwegian forums is a must for new Congress Members as all of our law proposals and debates take place their. If you haven't yet please register at Norway's National Forums. Once there you can also apply for a cash bonus for registering on the forums.

Also please join Norway at #eNorway @Rizon or #eNorge @quakenet for a chat no matter where your from!

If you have any questions or comments on how to improve Government to citizen communication, or a suggestion for the next Ministry of Public Relations article please just leave a comment below or contact myself.

As well please don't forget to V,S&S!

Friendly Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
Minister of Public Relations
Prime Minister of Norway
Supreme Command of Asgard