[MoMC] Article of the Week Results ( Day 1910 - 1917 )

Day 1,918, 06:42 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WEBSITE : http://themoment.co.nr/

The Article of the Week for the last week have been closed. Five articles have been submitted and all of them were great. The Article of the Week title was selected by me following a discussion with certain members. The Submission for 'Article of the Week' for this week, ie from Day 1918 to 1925 is open and you can submit it anytime here http://themoment.co.nr/

Articles Submitted
1. !!!Great Wall Of eIndia!!! - by Sibeesh

2. !!! eRepublik Made Me Crazy !!! - by Sibeesh

3. Jai Hind by Dranze R

4. HOPE by Ajay Bhasy

5. !!!Artificial Brain!!! by Sibeesh​

And the 'Article of the Week' of the goes to HOPE written by Ajay Bhasy.

Giving the title to that article doesn't denote that other articles were not good. Every article was great and I am very thankful to you guys for writing your thoughts and making Indian Media an active place. And I am waiting more of your articles in future. o7

A reward of 15 Q7 will be given to Ajay Bhasy and a reward of 10 Q7 will be given to other writers.

So now get ready to write articles for this week and don't forget to submit your article for this Weekly Contest. o7.

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