[MoJo4CP] Statements of Intent

Day 1,840, 20:51 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

The PTO Threat and Party Rankings
So as you all know there have been many articles concerning the PTOd A.I.P. Party and the flux of membership to the ARP, and I will now make my official statement on the matter.

I am firmly against all PTOs and PTO efforts, I believe to PTO is a disgusting move and those who take part in them are lazy, crude, and have no sense of class. Thus I look and hope the Loyal eAustralians will vote to ensure that the PTO candidate does not in this coming Prime Minister/Country President election.

On the subject of the parties I don't believe any party should be sacrificed to benefit another, the term is very negative in light of the situation, I believe that parties must work together. I feel bad for the Green and Gold that things unfolded as they did, but I believe they unfolded that was as a result of bad planning, and that as things unfold better planning will be needed to secure our country in the future, planning that is fair to all True Australian parties. Further as I stated in my previous article, and as I will now expand elected or not I want to work with all other Australians parties to help secure our eNation.

The Revolution begins
A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around"

“The greatest and most powerful revolutions often start very quietly, hidden in the shadows."
Until it comes time to step out of the darkness and into the light. To reveal the true intentions behind the hidden pieces in play.
And so it is now, that the Australian Revolutionary Party decides to reveal our new intent and goals for these trying times. To lead the nation away from her present course of being let down and towards the arms of the "Circle of Trust" alliance. Those who have proven many times to be a tightly knit group. Those who look out for their members, an alliance that our neighbors are affiliated with while our strong nation chose to remain independent of all alliances.

The benefits in deciding this course of action are obvious though resisted in the past, but now with Brazil aligning with Chile, and the likely intentions of the eUSA to align with CoT as well, it comes time that we must make this our priority if we are to survive. And so we push to push ourselves to remain in the top 5 political parties and to progress my candidacy for Prime Minister/Country President.
So when you vote consider this, Freedom or Oppression. The Australian Revolutionary Party moving in New Directions to Bring an Offer of True Freedom to the People of eAustralia.

New Cabinet Additions
Aussie Bloke

Thanks for Reading