[MoHA] War Is Glorious

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In eRepublik, one of the most important modules is war - wars determine which countries are the most successful, wealthy and renowned, and are an opportunity for citizens to showcase their tactical and analytical minds (or just their brute strength). With the recent overhaul introduced with eRepublik Rising, it can be difficult for players to get their head around the changes, so here's a guide to the war module.

Standard Battles

Much as you would expect, a standard battle requires two things: an open war between both involved countries and a border between the target region and attacking nation. To open a standard battle, the president of the attacking nation need only pay the required costs and a battle will be opened.

Fighting in a standard battle does not require a player to live in the contested region. To fight for the attacking country, a player must reside in any region that country currently controls; likewise, fighting for the defending country requires a player to live in any region controlled by the defending country. Players from other countries can fight for allied nations if a mutual protection pact (MPP) has been activated (see Mutual Protection Pacts).

All battles operate much like a tug of war. Each fight made by a player versus an enemy player has a chance at capturing an hexagon ('hexsquares') worth of land for your side or defending a hexsquare for your side.

The cost to open a battle depends on the population in the target region. No battle is opened for less than 50g, but the cost increases by 0.25g for each player residing in the region. In other words, starting a battle costs 50g + 25% of the population. The money is taken from the country's treasury.

Combat occurs for no less than 24 hours. For the battle to end one side must control at least 75% of the tiles and the capital. If these conditions are not met by either side within the time limit, it will go to a sudden death style of battle in which the first nation to get these requirements will automatically win.

The Country President of the defending nation has the option to ‘retreat’ battles. This would allow the attackers to be victorious and win the region regardless of whether victory conditions have been met. The attacking President may only retreat during the first 6 hours of the battle.

If the attacking country wins in a standard battle, the region will change hands and the economy will adjust to match their tax laws, while any infrastructure -- hospitals or defense systems -- will be destroyed. If the defending country wins, no change occurs.

Resistance Wars

A different beast altogether from standard battles, resistance wars are started by individual citizens in order to return ownership of an occupied region to the original owner or to divert attention from other key battles by forcing an occupying power to fight to retain a region instead of fighting elsewhere.

Because governments are uninvolved (other than defending the region or returning the region), these battles can be started without open wars or boundaries. Starting a resistance war requires that the initiating player has enough money to cover the initial costs and lives in the region being contested.

The cost of opening a resistance war is calculated the same way as any standard battle: 50g + 0.25g per player residing in the region. Because of these restrictive costs, resistance wars are often funded and organized by country governments and/or alliances.

Resistance wars, like standard battles, play out as a tug of war. However, fighting in a resistance war is not so simple: only those living in the contested region/occupying nation may fight in the battle, and those people are given the choice to fight for the resistance or the occupying nation.

Because no nation is officially involved, retreat is impossible. This limits their usefulness strategically other than for draining damage/fighters away from other more important battles.

Another major difference between standard battles and resistance wars is the outcome. If the occupying nation successfully defends, the region stays under their control; if the resistance is successful, the nation returns immediately to the original owner, regardless of the initiating party.

Mutual Protection Pacts

As mentioned above, soldiers are not required to live within a contested region to fight in a standard battle: they need only live in a region occupied by either the attacking or defending country. This freedom of movement can be extended to allies by use of a mutual protection pact, or MPP.

A mutual protection pact can be made between any two countries and must be approved by the congress in both. Upon approval from both sides, 100g is removed from the country accounts of both nations. Once enacted, an MPP lies dormant for up to 30 days, at which time it must be renewed.

Until they are activated, MPPs serve only as a deterrent to foreign aggressors. MPP’s are activated when a nation attacks an original region of the defending country. Every country the defender is MPP’d to will then have the option to fight for the defenders.

The MPP will then be ‘activated’ in the war between the two nations, and can be used again for offensive or defensive battles between any regions of the two nations involved in a war. For example, if Poland activated UK MPP’s we would then be able to use our MPP’s to defend non original regions from Poland or to attack Polish owned territory.

An MPP will remain active until it expires (after 30 days - unless renewed) or the war is closed by a peace proposal. If an MPP is activated, a war will be opened between the attacker and any nation MPP’d to the defender who also shares a border with the attacking nation.

War and Peace

Though a simple concept, war and peace in the eRepublik war module are the gatekeepers of military conflict. Without an open war, regions cannot change hands; when peace has been declared, a country's involvement in a campaign can end.

A declaration of war must be ratified by a country's congress before it is opened. Once a war is opened, the country's president is free to open battles against the other country.

The costs of declaring war against a nation are similar to attacking a region. An empty country costs 200g, while 0.10g is added for each citizen able to fight.

MPPs and wars, however, have a unique relationship: a war can be declared with no cost to those brought into a war via MPP and border the aggressor. In this way, a nation can open a war without paying the declaration costs.

While MPPs are often used by allied nations, many nations fight together without the assistance of any such game mechanic.

Moving tickets allow a player to change the region in which they reside, and the change happens immediately. By using moving tickets, large groups of soldiers can be sent to an allied nation without breaking the supply chain.

A moving ticket allows a player to move from one region to another depending on quality.
As a soldier, your destination region will be included in your deployment orders.

While deploying across enemy lines, it may be necessary to use two or more moving tickets to arrive at your destination. A moving ticket does not function between nations with an open war, so moving to an enemy country requires an intermediary move into a neutral country.

This method, however, is considerably less cost effective than fighting through an activated MPP. In the event an MPP has not been activated, the use of moving tickets is a secondary resort.


Once the Map loads you will be able to deploy yourself to specific areas on the map. For Defenders, this is usually around Hospitals/Defense Systems/Cities or randomly selected tiles.
For the Attackers it means starting at the edge of the map and working in. If you join a battle already in progress, you may be able to deploy forward of the initial starting zone via captured hexsquares.

Weapon/Unit Types

Tanks: The tank is one of the 4 different kinds of units available to specialize in. It can move 2 hexsquares a turn. Depending on the customization, their damage can range from good to godly. The higher your skill with a tank, the more damage you can do with the tank and the more chance to hit an opponent.

Tanks get a +20 attack bonus when fighting against Infantry, but suffer a -20 attack deficiency when fighting against air units.
There is also a +20 defense bonus if you are fighting in hill type terrain.

Helicopters: Another of the 4 units you can choose to specialize in. It can move 3 hexsquares a turn if desired. Damage can range from good to godly once again depending on the customization points of the company. As with Tanks, the more skill you have in Helicopters, the more damage you will be able to do and the higher your chance to hit your enemy.

The Helicopter gets a +20 attack bonus when fighting against Tanks but suffers a -20 attack deficiency when fighting against Artillery.
There is a +20 defense bonus if you are fighting in plains type terrain.

Artillery: The 3rd type of unit you can specialize in. It has the ability to move 1 hexsquare per turn.
As with all other types of weapons, the higher your skill the higher you chance to hit and to do damage are. Customization also plays its hand in damage as with all other types of units.

Artillery gets a +20 Attack bonus when fighting against Helicopters but suffers a -20 attack deficiency if attacked by infantry.
There is a +20 defense bonus if fighting in city type terrain.

Infantry: The 4th type of unit you can specialize in. Infantry can only move 1 hexsquare a turn.
Infantry rifles do differing amounts of damage based on customization and with all other types of units your skill contributes to your chances to hit and to how much damage you can do with the infantry unit.

Infantry gets a +20 attack bonus if fighting against Artillery units but suffers a -20 attack deficiency if fighting against Tanks.
There is a +20 defense bonus for the ground pounder if fighting in forest type terrain.

Hopefully this guide has cleared up any prior confusion you had when it comes to the military module!

MoHA apprentice

Steve Steinbeck
MoHA Minister of Education

Special thanks to Mr Woldy


Remember you can join the British Army to become more effective on the battlefield. There are currently new initiatives running, such as the 'Mad Tanks' unit for high strength soldiers and a Reserves Branch for the general public. Now is the time to sign up, click here to join our military force!