[MoHA] Healthy and Happy Citizens

Day 1,005, 06:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
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Citizens in eRepublik, especially new players, often find it difficult to keep their health high (and since V2, happiness as well). It’s important to maintain high levels of health and happiness as you are less productive if they are low – this can lead to unstable employment and you won’t be earning very much.

How you lose health and happiness

The main way your health and happiness decrease is during the stages of your time management.

Work – your health decreases based on the customisation level of the company you work for. So, you will lose 1 health if you work for a Q1 company, compared to a health loss of 5 if you work for a Q5 company.

Your happiness decreases by 1 point for each hour you work. A typical 8 hours of work will result in a happiness loss of 8.

Train – health decreases by 1 for each full training session. Like work, your happiness decreases by 1 point for each hour you train.

Study – health and happiness loss is the same as training. You will lose 1 health for the studying session and 1 happiness per hour.

There are a few other ways you can lose health:

- If you own companies through your citizen account, you will lose 1 health per day per company.

- Your health will decrease drastically when you engage in combat on battlefields.

- You lose 5 health and 5 happiness when you move. You can however compensate this loss depending on how you customise your ticket.

How to restore your health and happiness

Fortunately, you can quite easily replenish your health and happiness to negate the losses.

Residential district – this is a fast way to restore your happiness. 1 happiness point will be restored for each hour you rest, and you can get additional happiness points using the different boosters.

Houses – houses have recently undergone a change. Health gain from a house on daychange is subject to how much health you already have - if you have 20 health and a house with a roof of 5, you will get [(5 - 1) * 5] as your boost at daychange

Food consumption – the way you eat food has also changed. You no longer consume one piece of food automatically at day change – you can now manually consume the first piece of food in your inventory. You can eat as much food as you want until you reach the cap of a maximum of 300 health restoration.

The most important advice if you have low health and happiness is not to panic by spending money recklessly on things like food and health packs, which only solve the situation in the short term. There are simple, cost-efficient methods to boost your health and happiness and hopefully this article has explained them.

Steve Steinbeck
MoHA Minister of Education