[MoFA] More News To Thee

Day 697, 08:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Well hi there home dawgs,

I’m going to write another article about some of the happenings in the world recently so bear with me, I’ll have left some stuff out, so if you have a particular issue you want to learn more about, please PM me and I’ll have it mentioned in detail in my next article. Thanks 🙂


The UK’s very own home of all our midgets was attacked the other day in an unexpected attack from the Swedes. However, due to the Military’s vastly improving organisation and the growing strength of the country’s population (and also a slight lack of interest on the Swedish side) we won the battle with pride. Yay us. Now, why we are attacking the Norsemen’s Jelly Land you ask? The USA has attacked Manitoba, a Hungarian held state in North America. So the UK decided to help out its allies by blocking the Swedes, creating a few problems for them and lowering their ability to help in the North American campaign. So yeah, thanks to Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Indonesia and every country that sent troops to defend us against Sweden, and we will do everything that the UK is capable of to help you in return.

And a further congratulations to the victory in the Norse Jelly Land. The Military worked well, the people worked as a team and we had fun. Well done eUK and commiserations to Sweden, you are incredibly worthy opponents and we’ve enjoyed our frays against each other.

Poland and Latvia/Lithuania

A while ago, Poland had begun declaring a war on Lithuania, partially for the high grain regions, which Poland lacks, and partly to disrupt the PEACE war games that happen between Latvia and Lithuania. Although in the war games Lithuania has many allies, in current circumstances and due to a reasonably well timed Polish attack, they had too few to successfully defend themselves from the more powerful Polish forces. MPPs were being sent to Lithuania from many PEACE countries, however some would come too late with a potential attack coming before any MPPs were able to arrive.

So PEACE had to come up with a solution to help one of its member nations and save the day, and a situation they came up with. Latvia used their already open war to take the border regions from Lithuania so Poland couldn’t attack. Lithuania was then safe, however, Poland decided they wanted these regions so spent quite a bit of GOLD declaring war on Latvia too. Now, war costs money, Poland really did lose out big time by declaring war on Latvia and Lithuania in the space of a day. So Lithuania then opened a battle in the border regions, taking back the border regions and making the Polish declaration of war a massive waste of money.

Now, why did PEACE use more money that the Polish did? Simplez, to protect one of its members. The Alliance looks after its own. Besides, its always fun to keep the Polish out of high grain and keep ourselves with it. Tis simple economics, my good man!

And while I’m on the topic of Poland, not too long ago they overtook Indonesia in terms of population size, paving the way for a potentially stronger future.


Since my last writing, a new member joined the Brotherhood of EDEN; Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, as you may or may not know, EDEN (when formed) stood for the European Defence and Economic Network, however, this is no longer the case. Why? Because it is no longer entirely in Europe. Indeed, our friends across in Canada joined the Brotherhood a little while ago, changing the name to Erepublik Defence and Economic Network.

On less EDEN related news, both France and Italy are aiming for babybooms, having external websites set up with articles about their respective countries. After France’s initial success with their first babyboom (getting to over 20,000 population) they will be hoping they can keep their babies now (since they lost the vast majority of those). The UK wishes both France and Italy the best of luck, being two great allies of the UK and two amazingly friendly nations.

And I do believe that is it for any interesting European news for the moment…


Let us cast our minds back to the time shortly before the North American Invasion in July or so. The UK had signed a treaty to let the Hungarians into Scotland and the Japanese were planning region swaps with Indonesia to enable the Indos to have a border with the US and eventually invade through Hawaii and then onto California. Now, reports arose at the time that perhaps things weren’t all rosy with the negotiations, and indeed it seems they were not. Apparently the Japanese felt bullied and intimidated during the negotiations. Now, Arthk (who was Secretary General at the time) wrote an article not too long ago, apologizing to Japan because he was not aware these threats were being made. The apology was then endorsed by prominent PEACE GC members and Japan is happy and lovable again. Bless :3

And while we mention Japan, they have decided to leave Sol and become a simple Observer Nation in the alliance. This is because the Japanese were offended by the inclusion of the Theocrats in South Korea into the Sol war games and the lack of assistance Sol supposedly gave them.

Now for news on Israel, but before that, a little background on that little Middle Eastern nation. It was conquered by Turkey during the Turkey-Israel war but it was partially re-established in February by a Resistance War funded by Benn Dover, an ex-American President, and due to partially to the Americans’ attempts to liberate Israel, the two countries have close relations. The country was fully brought back a few months ago, during several countries’ (including the UK) attempts to liberate both Israel and Greece from Turkish invasion forces.

So there’s a little tad of information for Israel for you. Now, despite having both of their nations suffer under Turkish occupation, Greece and Israel are not the best of friends due to reports the Israelis extending a hand of friendship to Turkey. However, in a speech to the Israeli population Sir Valaro Volcrum, the current MoD and man running for President, wishes to become friends with Greece again, their natural allies. This speech giving ideas for the economy and the military proved very popular in the Israeli nation. Now, in his manifesto for CP he mentions his plans to join EDEN if he is victorious. Now, combine this with Israel’s strong relations with the US and in turn the US’ allies it seems to imply Israel may be leaving their neutral station in a not too distant future. I’ll report more when I hear more.

and its many, many revolts are up now in the news. MoredanKantose the CP of Russia is facing trouble after trouble it seems. To start with, I’ll mention the current Russian revolt. Yes, it turns out you can rebel in eRep, who’d have thought it, eh? So anyway, a fair few Russians are not fond of Moredan being CP (why they elected him in that case is a point that eludes me, but meh) and when I say a fair few, I actually mean (supposedly) the military, a lot of congress, a political party and some kind of “Junta” (which made me smile, some countries aren’t so different if you get what I mean…. *Cough*cabal*cough* 😉 ). The FRP political party opposed to Moredan wrote these demands and as you can see, Moredan did not take them up on their offers. So I’ll report more on this specific situation at another stage…

Another problem Russia is going through is the Indonesian occupation of the Western Siberian Region. Lets go for a little background on this region, shall we? To begin with, why is it useful? Because it is a high region in Iron, Oil and Wood. So yes, very valuable to whatever country has it. So some people are probably asking why Indonesia has a fellow member of PEACE’s region. Russia was once conquered by Romania, so in an effort to drive out the Romanians from Russia, the Indonesians fought against them, eventually conquering Western Siberia. Indonesia has so many companies based in Western Siberia it may have devastating consequences to lose it, while having these companies now based in Russia may overwhelm the Russian economy. I believe I’ve mentioned this before when I talked about the Communist attempted Resistance War… Silly anti-imperialists…

So anyway, Moredan wants Siberia back, and it is getting quite pissed off by the Indonesians, as can be seen here. The reason why the Indos haven’t done anything yet? Their CP has had a RL crisis and to my knowledge, didn’t appoint a Minister of Foreign Affairs before it happened. However, the matter is being dealt with and it is expected the Indonesians will offer a very good deal for Western Siberia back. So everyone’s happy really. And for the moment, I do believe that is Asia finished…


Now, Australia has long been a neutral nation, despite it being occupied by Indonesia for a while (and still partially is) as well as having all its neighbours PEACE GC members. Although, admittedly it is a member of the Sol alliance made up of Pacific and Asian nations. However, the alliance debate has cropped up very much in Australia lately. There are currently talks of a neutral alliance with Ireland (which reports seem to suggest is going fairly well), as well as talks for joining PEACE or EDEN. Many people believe EDEN will help them take back the Western Australian region from Indonesia (tis amusing really how Indonesia seem to like the west of countries). Others believe that PEACE would easily crush them since they are surrounded, losing all their regions all over again.

However, Australia recently sent their Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chris Stanwick to make an embassy in PEACE so clearly better relations with the alliance are on the cards, though whether this is to ease the passing into PEACE, protect them from PEACE upon joining EDEN or just a neutral alliance expanding its relations, is unsure.

North America

The war in North America continues to rage, as it has for quite a while now. Recently a huge battle in Manitoba began (the very same battle that was mentioned earlier in regards to the UK’s distraction in Sweden). This battle was won by the Hungarians with help from all across PEACE. However, it was far from an easy battle, with hordes of EDEN warriors flying into Florida to assist the Americans. Manitoba is part of Hungarian-occupied Canada, bordering another famously contested region known as Saskatchewan. It is unclear as to when the Hungarians intend to leave North America or whether they will jump or be pushed. The “Brolliance” seems to be going from strength to strength however and it is currently not as clear as it was at the beginning of the war as to who the militarily superior nation is.

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So I do believe that is us for today… Thanks for reading, if you did and again, if you have any comments, criticisms or problems with the article, please PM me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks y’all.