[MoFA] 1ª Entrevista do programa de Embaixadas set'15

Day 2,871, 07:46 Published in Portugal Spain by Ministerio dos Negocios Estran

Caros ePortugueses e ePortuguesas,

Chega até junto de vós a primeira entrevista das muitas que foram solicitadas aos nossos embaixadores junto dos países onde se encontram a representar Portugal.

Esta Primeira entrevista foi feita pelo embaixador sterben4kk ao CP da Rússia.

Rússia - Sterben4kk

1- To begin with, speak a little about yourself.
Hello, my name is John and I'm an eRepholic
I started play in this game after invitation from ZeroCoolDark at November 13th, 2011 (Day 1454). A little bit more info about my ingame history you can find in my wiki-page.
In real life I live in Khabarovsk City, Far Eastern Russia, Russian Federation (yes, it's real place and it's so far from you).

2- Talk a litle about eRussia.
eRussia... Hmm. It's my eHomeland. Great Divine Russia \o/ There is no bears and vodka and we are not enough strong as we want, but we have a great and divine history even in eRep. eRussia has 80/80/80 bonuses, 12 core regions (instead 85 real. Screw you, Plato!). And we have nimnul and Communists. It's a funny eRussian political leader of top-3 party called «CDP». Don't mess with nimnul or Communists!

3- What is your opinion about Portugal, outside the game?
Sad, but I never was in Portugal. But I heard, that Portugal is a nice place with great architecture and great peoples.

4- Your administration will focus on what measures?
My administration focused on our problems: we have no worthy enemies around us, so we have no wars or training wars (all TWs are closed for now). And we should find a way away from this swamp

5- From your previous experience, what is your opinion about ePortugal?
We don't was in touch with ePortugal enough, so I have not much to say, sorry
I guess that it's a mistake and we shall fix it

6- Do you know any ePortuguese?
Yes. A couple of fighters in my MU were an ePortugese. I don't remember about their real citizenship, but in game they was an ePortugese. They were are very pleasant people.

7- And about future relations between Russia and Portugal?
Hmmm. Sorry, but I don't have TARDIS or DeLorean, and I don't know what await us in the future
I hope that our relationship will be fine, in spite of everything that may happen in eRep.

Sem mais de momento,
A equipa do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros [MoFA],
Grão-duque de Viseu (Ministro): Nunopeb1

Marquês (Vice-Ministro): Lucifel
Marquês (Secretário de Estado): Kazuto
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~ [MoFA] 1ª Entrevista set/2015 ~